Dopo una lunga attesa è arrivata la sacrosanta decisione da parte dell’UE: Sky Italia potrà acquisire un multiplex sul Digitale terrestre e trasmettervi in chiaro. Finalmente si è conclusa una disparità che, se in origine era giustificabile, today with the new market situation of the TV, he sees Mediaset in a privileged position, was completely inadequate.
A decision that is sure to bring a more diverse programming on our TV, hopefully also with more comprehensive and pluralistic (Sky TG24 for all?), And then maybe to adjust the supply of the other television networks (RAI and Mediaset first place) that will guard against a formidable new competitor. All this, hopefully, for us viewers and consumers.
conditional green light from EU Commission to Sky
to operate on the DTTThe European Commission has cleared Sky Italy, the Italian subsidiary of Newscorp, the invitation to tender for the allocation of frequencies for digital terrestrial television in Italy. Thus, the Commission raised Sky Italy by one of the commitments made in 2003, when Newscorp acquired the company formed by the merger of Stream and Telepiù.
The decision was taken by the EU into account significant changes occurred in the Italian television market in recent years . The Commission therefore considered it appropriate to grant the request of Sky Italy, while limiting its range to a single frequency and to limit its operations to only free channels for a period of five years.
The Commission, however, "given the conditions changed on the Italian television market" has raised the company from complying with this condition. How said spokesman Jonathan Todd "Sky Italy can take part in this option, provided that the frequencies are used to transmit light." So without offering paid services for at least five years and the limitation of a single frequency. The decision of the EU "was" collegial and unanimous, " clarified the EU executive's spokeswoman, Pia Ahrenkilde .BELOW THE OFFICIAL OF THE EU COMMISSION
Mergers: Commission clears Sky Italy
certain conditions to participate in the allocation of digital terrestrial television frequencies
The European Commission has cleared Sky Italy , the Italian subsidiary of Newscorp, to participate in future tenders for the allocation of digital terrestrial television frequencies at national level in Italy. In this way, the Commission raises Sky Italy by one of the commitments made in 2003, when Newscorp bought all of the Stream and merged with the operator pay-TV rival Telepiù.
Given the significant changes in the Italian television market in recent years, the Commission considers it appropriate to accept the request Sky Italy, however, limiting the possibilities to a single frequency that, if Sky will be given to Italy by the Italian authorities will be used only for transmitting light for a period of five years.
The European Commission has agreed to lift Sky Italy in 2003 by a commitment entered that prevented her from entering a competition for the award of frequencies (or multiplex) for digital terrestrial television (DTT). The decision will allow all'impresa di partecipare alla gara per un multiplex e di utilizzarlo per trasmettere programmi televisivi in chiaro (non pay tv) per un periodo di cinque anni. L'impegno avrebbe dovuto concludersi il 31 dicembre 2011. Il passaggio dall'analogico al digitale terrestre in Italia verrà completato nel 2012. La procedura di aggiudicazione delle frequenze non ha ancora avuto luogo.
Con la costituzione di una nuova emittente televisiva digitale via satellite denominata Sky Italia , il 2 aprile 2003 la Commissione ha autorizzato News Corporation Limited (Newscorp) ad acquisire il controllo di Telepiù Spa e di Stream Spa . Poiché l'operazione ha creato una posizione very strong in the market for pay TV (for the market for free TV that was not affected by the transaction), the Commission is awaiting approval to a series of strict conditions under which the company could offer only on pay TV and satellite frequencies could not maintain or acquire DTT (see IP/03/478).
The total commitments, valid until December 31, 2011, were aimed at limiting the market power of Sky Italy in the field of pay-TV. The Commission also facilitated the entry of new firms by providing them with access to infrastructure and content necessary to deliver effective services to pay-TV in Italy, regardless of platform.
In November 2009, Sky Italy has asked the Commission to be raised commitment on the DTT platform in order to participate in future tenders for the award of five new DTT multiplexes that will organize the Italian authorities.
The Commission may modify the commitments if the market circumstances have changed significantly, and believes that this is the case with the Italian television market.
First, the market situation has changed significantly and on a permanent basis since 2003. Thanks to the commitments related to the 2003 decision, by DTT made their ingresso sul mercato italiano della pay TV operatori alternativi (Mediaset, Telecom Italia/Dahlia), anche se Sky Italia ha mantenuto la propria posizione forte sul satellite. Questi nuovi operatori utilizzano sia le proprie frequenze e infrastrutture di rete che quelle dei loro partner per fornire contenuti (sia in chiaro che a pagamento) sulla piattaforma DTT che copre già una serie di regioni.
Inoltre, ove disponibile, la piattaforma DTT sta diventando rapidamente la piattaforma principale per il consumo di televisione digitale in Italia ed è probabile che mantenga tale posizione per parecchi anni dopo il cosiddetto switch-off delle trasmissioni analogiche (entro il 2012). Infine, a partire dal settembre 2008, è stata creata una nuova piattaforma digitale satellitare ( TIVU Sat ), realizzata da RAI, RTI di Mediaset e Telecom Italia, ora disponibile per i consumatori italiani.
In secondo luogo, per operatori come Sky Italia la prossima gara è un'opportunità unica – e anche l'ultima per parecchi anni a venire – per entrare nella piattaforma DTT in concorrenza con le emittenti già esistenti. Attualmente lo spettro delle frequenze è sostanzialmente detenuto da operatori già presenti sul mercato. Su 21 multiplex riservati per la trasmissione televisiva digitale, 16 sono infatti già attribuiti o ne è prevista attribution, Mediaset, RAI and Telecom Italy has a total of 11 multiplex.
The market investigation has, however, expressed reservations that the market power of Sky's pay TV sector in Italy, particularly on satellite, will be strengthened by its entry into the DTT. To eliminate these concerns, Newscorp has undertaken whereby Sky Italy will participate in only one of the five allocation multiplex will be allocated.
Another question concerned the possible passage of the pay TV Sky Italy on that multiplex as soon as the commitment expired in 2003, ie after 31 December 2011. Newscorp is, however, committed to ensuring that Sky Italy acquired using the multiplex in the next race to spread free broadcasts for a period of five years.
Note 1: A multiplex or frequency allows the broadcasting of one or two channels in high definition and from four to eight channels in standard definition.
Source: Digital-Sat