SO, IN THE ABSENCE INTERNATIONAL, strengthens the diktats of HAMAS
Gaza attack on modernity
Beaches prohibited to women artists in shot. But even whipped daily and cellars become stanze di tortura
GAZA - Chiede ai pacifisti stranieri che promettono la ripresa dei loro viaggi sulle navi di portare, assieme agli aiuti per i palestinesi, anche un mixer per il suo gruppo musicale. Ma lo fa in contrasto con quello stesso regime nella striscia di Gaza che i pacifisti più o meno indirettamente aiutano contro l’embargo imposto da Israele. «Il nostro vecchio mixer è stato sequestrato dalla polizia di Hamas», spiega, con il timore che anche quello nuovo subisca la stessa sorte del primo. «Siamo vittime di una teocrazia repressiva che in nome della sua lettura distorta dell’Islam vieta la musica libera. Il loro Allah in verde non ci piace per nulla». E’ l’ironico paradosso lived from twenty Basher Bseiso, very popular singer of the "Group of peace" (Fariq Salam) among young people of Gaza who love rap. Well summed up by the call that launches from his home Jamal Abu Al Qumsan, 43-year old director's most famous art gallery in the "strip of despair": "Thanks to the Democrats from around the world who struggle against the Israeli blockade on Gaza. But, please, you can also report parallel the suppression of intellectual freedom against Hamas? ".
ATTACKS AGAINST YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS - Their are only two among the countless stories that can be found in the region. The hottest topic lately is that of attacks on youth organizations. E 'occurred May 23 and June 28, when a dozen armed and masked Hamas militants set fire to the summer camp organized for students on the promenade by the United Nations. And at the end of May, the day of the Israeli commando raid against the peace flotilla which caused nine deaths, the Hamas police here has closed five local non-governmental organizations. The best known, Sharek (17 branches in the Palestinian territories, including 5 in the Gaza Strip), in turn, is seen burning two student summer camps on the beach. He accused one of the leaders, Mohammad Aruk: "They want to force it to close campsites mixed. We are told that boys and girls are separated. Thus seeking to uproot the secular culture, they seek a monopoly on education. " And 'the latest chapter in the culture war underway for some time. The most extreme wing of the religious front beach girls want to stop, prohibit the privacy to unmarried couples, the music and fashions they see as a threat to Western "morality" in public. To ask for explanations from the Hamas response is usually the same: "The ministries, our civil authorities are not concerned. Should contact the police. " But officials from the no comment rule. The most explicit was Yussef Ahmed, Deputy Foreign Minister and Chairman of the Committee against the embargo, "Israel has a monopoly of force. Hamas is much weaker and seeks only to impose a single sovereignty on the strip. "
TRUE SYSTEM - The biggest problem is that the witnesses, the victims themselves, are afraid to talk about it. Hamas is now a father-master scheme of its people. Punishment does not only mean prison, or even torture, but rather ostracism, loss of job, denigration, isolamento sociale. Bseiso parla con rabbia del pestaggio subito lo scorso 28 aprile. «Mi stavo spostando in moto, quando sono stato affiancato da un gruppo di miliziani delle Ezzedin Al Qassam, che mi hanno buttato a terra e picchiato con bastoni. Pochi giorni prima avevano fatto irruzione nel nostro studio e sequestrato video, telecamere, cassette. Ora, con mezzi di fortuna sto preparando una canzone di accusa contro la repressione di Hamas», dice. Il suo compagno nel gruppo, Ibrahim Ghonem, ricorda che sino al 2005, quando a Gaza e in Cisgiordania governava la stessa autorità dell’Olp costituita da Yasser Arafat nel 1994, la situazione era molto migliore: «In quel periodo nacquero almeno cinque gruppi rap a Gaza. Nessuno interferiva. Ora tell us that we are agents of the American Satan, corrupting youth. And the result is that anyone can do it if he emigrated. Even know of some friends from other rap groups who took advantage of invitations to perform abroad into hiding and never come back. " Jamal Abu Al Qumsan was worse. Until a few days ago could not sit or lie on your back for the lashes suffered intermittently between 5 and 12 May. A curious punishment and its very common. Come summoned to the police centers in prisons. There is not much choice. The infamous Saraya, in the heart of Gaza City, was razed by the Israeli bombing of the "Lead Time" in January 2009. There remain, however, the Mashtal, the five carceri provinciali, e Ansar, dove si trovano i capi dei servizi di sicurezza. Qui inizia l’interrogatorio. «Dalle sette di mattina a sera tarda, talvolta oltre mezzanotte. La punizione più comune è tenerti conto un muro tutto il pomeriggio in pieno sole e obbligarti a esercizi assurdi. Per esempio viene ordinato di fare il ciclista, per ore e ore costretto a fingere di pedalare. Poi ti rimandano a casa. Così non figuri nell’elenco dei prigionieri, non devono neppure sfamarti. Solo ogni tanto un bicchier d’acqua. E la mattina devi essere puntuale di fronte al portone», racconta Jamal. A lui comunque è andata male. «Mi hanno accusato di corrompere le ragazze, di lasciar loro fumare il narghilè nei locali della mia galleria, addirittura di abusi sessuali. Così hanno usato cinghie e bastoni».
STANZE DI TORTURA - Ma poteva andar peggio. Fosse finito nella ex villa sul lungomare del presidente dell’Autorità palestinese a Ramallah, Abu Mazen, sarebbe restato in isolamento per mesi. Qui raccontano che le cantine sono adibite a stanze per la tortura dei “nemici dell’Islam”. Sono tecniche raffinate. Ci sono spie mischiate ai prigionieri. Meccanismi imparati direttamente dai carceri israeliani. Non esiste militante palestinese sopra i trent’anni che non li abbia sperimentati sulla sua pelle. La pressione psicologica è spesso molto più efficace di quella fisica. Fin qui tutto normale. Nei carceri del Fatah in the West Bank, where hunting is open to the militants of Hamas, the techniques are very similar persecution. "The news from Gaza is the growing influence of the systems used by the Iranian Basij. The assault squads among selected groups of Ezzedin Al Qassam Brigades were trained directly by them. The aim is to impose a kind of complete and total political and cultural conformity. Anyone who does not homogenize must know who is at risk. And few are the heroes. Often enough some veiled threats to get the desired effect, 'says a well-known local commentator, speaking under the promise of absolute anonymity. Asma Al Ghuol, a journalist involved in the defense of intellectual freedom, it is seen di recente sequestrare il computer e minacciare personalmente di essere “amorale” per la sua denuncia pubblica contro la censura a musicisti e scrittori. Una sua collega che collabora con la tv Al Arabya è stata arrestata pochi giorni fa perché scoperta dagli agenti viaggiare in auto in compagnia di un ragazzo che non era membro della sua famiglia.
SCENARIO SIMILE ALL'IRAQ - Abu Omar (è un nome finto), anziano militante del Fronte per la Liberazione della Palestina, esprime la sua dissidenza in privato: produce vino di nascosto nel campo profughi di Jabalia e ne vende 100 litri l’anno. «E’ la mia sfida contro il divieto dell’alcool imposto dagli islamici, contro le ingerenze nel nostro private, as if we were under the Taliban, "said showing a photo of Mohammad Hassan Hajazi, his friend and activist murdered by Hamas in January 2009, taking advantage of the chaos caused by Israel. "The tragedy is that if you show this picture on the street I get arrested." They are the perverse effects of the Israeli. One scenario that closely resembles that imposed against Saddam Hussein's Iraq in the nineties until the 2003 war. The economic blockade, isolation, indexing generate enormous difficulties on the international regime for the hit, but strengthen it internally and indirectly provide legitimacy to even more serious abuses against proprie popolazioni. Sostiene Atef Abu Saief, brillante docente di scienze politiche alla locale università Al Azhar: «Hamas controlla Gaza molto meglio che un paio d’anni fa. Anche se la sua popolarità è in diminuzione. Ma questo non lo potremo verificare. Le libere elezioni, così come nel 2006, sono ormai impossibili. Al meglio, nel caso si torni alle urne, vedremo un accordo sottobanco per la spartizione dei voti con Fatah. La teocrazia di Hamas segna la fine del sogno democratico». Commenta un noto giornalista assunto dalle agenzie stampa straniere che assolutamente chiede di restare anonimo: «La differenza con l’Iraq è che nei territori palestinesi occupati da Israele nel 1967 le elezioni parlamentari del gennaio 2006 have been swept so clean by Hamas against Fatah. Among the Western left are right to point the finger at their governments that refuse to vote. You can not accept democracy only results that we like and reject undesirable ones. But now you do not notice that the popularity of Hamas in Gaza is in free fall. It 's a curious situation and reflects the ancient Palestinian willingness to stand against those who always wins. If you go to the polls today in the West Bank Hamas won a majority, but the Fatah in Gaza. " "Hamas as Hitler, or rather, as the Islamists in Algeria", went Saief. "That's why Yasser Arafat until his death in November 2004, he always refused to hold elections with Hamas. He knew that a free vote with the Islamic government would never be carried out for the very obvious fact that the doctrine of the Muslim Brotherhood does not give any value to democracy. " It says here lies the weakness of Abu Mazen has enabled Hamas to present itself to the 2006 vote. "He beat his opponent illusion of local PLO, Mahmoud Dahlan, who as head of the police to Arafat in Gaza and because of its close links with the CIA was deeply unpopular. But she is not that opened the door to Hamas. Now you should go to the polls. But there will be more cleanly. "
HAMAS AND IRAN - Saief repeats the theory that goes for more from Cairo to Gaza: Hamas has no interest in endangering the status quo, not looking for a real agreement with Abu Mazen does not want the vote and even contacts with Israel. "Hamas is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran. Check a territorial basis, the project has a more pan-Islamic nationalist and much less. Do not look for the compromise, see Gaza as the revival of global holy war. That is why at the expense are now independent intellectuals and any entity in the areas under its control, "he adds. It is not to deny that the persecuted are generally PLO militants, or otherwise bound to the old face of the secular Palestinian left. 'Atef is not credible. It 'an organic intellectual of Fatah, our ideological enemy par excellence, "he replies, for example, Al Taher Nunu, a spokesman for Hamas. In fact, Atef in June 2009 was made more than a week of daily prison. " Remember: "There was no real violence. Only trouble, so thirsty in the sun, big waste of time and exhausting interrogation. " Now is worried. In early June was reconvened to the police for 24 hours. Topics censor his book of short stories just published in Arabic, "Still Life. Stories from the time of Gaza. " The censorship is creeping, menacing, immanent. It speaks Mohammad Aruk showing the area of \u200b\u200bhis tent camp devastated by fire. Among the charges against them, there is also A survey among young people in Gaza, which concluded that at least 41% hoped to emigrate abroad. And the main theme of such disaffection is the growth of the accusations against corruption and nepotism of the Islamic leaders. The tones are similar to those that held sway against the leaders of Fatah ahead of the vote in 2006. The same Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to the fifties, you see, inter alia, questioned for having married as his second wife the widow of a 22 year-old bodyguard of Said Siam, known militant killed by Israeli bombs in 2009. Aruk stresses: 'For Hamas the survey is a great debacle. It shows that young people no longer want to fight. The Israeli blockade is terrible, prevents us from ogni movimento, siamo in una grande prigione a cielo aperto. Però è morto lo spirito delle due intifade. Si vuole fuggire nel privato, stare bene individualmente. Una volta c’erano studenti che rifiutavano le rare borse di studio all’estero pur di restare a combattere collettivamente l’occupazione sionista. Oggi tutti vorrebbero emigrare e a bloccarci non è solo Israele. L’Egitto fa passare con il contagocce la gente da Rafah. E Hamas concede il permesso di emigrazione unicamente ai suoi militanti. Gli altri sono solo sudditi da convertire alla sua lettura dell’Islam».
Lorenzo Cremonesi
14 luglio 2010 (ultima modifica: 15 luglio 2010)
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