La notizia dei risultati di questi studi sarebbe da considerarsi interessante se non fosse facilmente strumentalizzabile dai soliti noti negazionisti, pronti ad impugnare queste “rivelazioni” to endorse the view that the Holocaust was a fabrication or invention of the Jews to achieve their goal of the foundation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, that sick people even think these things there, then pay attention to this kind of news, interesting from the historical point of view, but that might spread useless and dangerous suspect that you would rather avoid.
Study shock on Hitler had Jewish origins
and the proof is in her DNA
A genetic study conducted on relatives of the Führer proven scientifically that the dictator was not Aryan. Ben 39 descendants the founder of the Reich were subjected to tests
Jew and even North Africa. Algeria, the Maghreb, as one of many poor people that today poverty pushes Europe. Peoples 'lesser' which must not contaminate the purity of the "superior Aryan race." If someone wanted to imagine a "retaliation" for Adolf Hitler into the unknown circle of hell where he is, he could not find a more cruel. For him, of course.
that Hitler had jew blood in her veins was heading for a long time working with various and sometimes fanciful assumptions. But now it seems that both the science to prove, without any possibility of refutation, the Jewish North Africa and perhaps the Führer. The DNA analysis investigate were two Belgians, the journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren that, with great patience have traced up to 39 descendants of Hitler (which is not easy since they all make every effort to cover up the embarrassing relationship ) from which they obtained many samples of saliva. Rigorous laboratory testing - writes Britain's Daily Telegraph, which reiterates the news from the Belgian magazine Knack - have traced the chromosome haplogroup Eib 1b1, extremely rare among Westerners and rather common among the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, and among the Berbers of Morocco, 'Algeria and Tunisia. I results have obtained the endorsement of the prestigious Catholic University of Leuven.
see a little 'surprises that you reserve the investigation chromosome, confirming, as is well known to geneticists, who spoke of' pure 'does not exist in the world but we are all the result of millions of crossings. It also supports the Italian geneticist Guido Barbujani, author in 2003 of a novel called sarcastic precisely issues of race (Mondadori). And the harder it is to separate the origins of the citizens in that melting pot of ethnicities between West Germany and Eastern Europe which was the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where Adolf was born April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, a town near del confine bavarese. Klara era la terza moglie di Alois, dal quale ebbe sei figli. Sopravvissero solo Adolf e la sorella Paula.
Fra i tanti misteri che hanno circondato la figura di Hitler in vita e in morte c’è anche quello della sua famiglia. Si è accertato che Alois, padre detestato da Adolf, era figlio illegittimo: da ragazzo portava il nome della madre, Anna Maria Schicklgruber, modesta cameriera in una locanda di Graz. Più tardi adottò il nome del padre naturale (che però pare non lo abbia mai voluto riconoscere), Johann Georg Hiedler o forse Hüttler, che successive trascrizioni trasformarono in Hitler. Altre fonti sostengono che Anna Maria rimase incinta di un giovane ebreo di nome Frankenberger, ma pare si tratti di notizia infondata.
Dove sta il mistero? Sta nel cognome Schicklgruber, comune fra gli ebrei ai quali l’imperatrice Maria Teresa concesse la cittadinanza austriaca dopo la loro conversione al cattolicesimo. Dunque la nonna paterna di Hitler molto probabilmente era un’ebrea convertita. Hitler aveva almeno un buon quarto di sangue ebreo nelle vene.
Secondo mistero: la causa dell’odio folle che il Führer portò agli ebrei fin dagli esordi in politica. Anche qui le ipotesi sono le più svariate. C’è chi, come il «cacciatore di nazisti» Simon Wiesenthal, ha sostenuto che una prostituta ebrea contagiò il giovane Adolf con la sifilide al tempo del suo soggiorno viennese. Altri dicono strong resentment that would lead to a jew doctor, Eduard Bloch, who underwent treatment at the wrong mother Klara. But historians would be more accurate instead found that the poor Klara, who suffered from breast cancer diagnosed too late that killed just 47 years, was instead treated with great dedication and professional competence by Dr. Bloch which Hitler - deeply attached to his mother - always professed eternal gratitude. What he was then the doctor jew at the time of persecution of the Jews, this is not known. Perhaps luckily for him, he died before.Another explanation might be the inexhaustible bitterness that always brought Hitler to his father, a man crude and incapable of affection, which he did not believe in him or nor in his artistic skills (one can not even blame him), and from which you always felt misunderstood and despised. His hatred would have included the innocent grandmother who bore the shame of being a single mother, which, in times of strict morals, placed it in the bottom of the social scale, both as a Jew and as a Catholic.
Equally fanciful is the explanation he provides in Hitler's Mein Kampf in which he claims to have been shocked by the encounter in Vienna with a 'Ostjude, "a jew-looking Eastern European witchcraft. More likely however, is the early influence endured for Monaco in the twenties of the ideas of anti-Semitic journalist and publisher Dietrich Eckart con il quale strinse una duratura amicizia. Dopo tutto, l’antisemitismo non lo inventò Hitler. Lui vi aggiunse solo le contorte pulsioni che si aggiravano negli oscuri meandri della sua psiche.Fonte: Il Giornale