Thursday, August 26, 2010

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Hitler had Jewish origin: the proof is in his DNA

La notizia dei risultati di questi studi sarebbe da considerarsi interessante se non fosse facilmente strumentalizzabile dai soliti noti negazionisti, pronti ad impugnare queste “rivelazioni” to endorse the view that the Holocaust was a fabrication or invention of the Jews to achieve their goal of the foundation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, that sick people even think these things there, then pay attention to this kind of news, interesting from the historical point of view, but that might spread useless and dangerous suspect that you would rather avoid.


Study shock on Hitler had Jewish origins

and the proof is in her DNA

A genetic study conducted on relatives of the Führer proven scientifically that the dictator was not Aryan. Ben 39 descendants the founder of the Reich were subjected to tests

hitler Jew and even North Africa. Algeria, the Maghreb, as one of many poor people that today poverty pushes Europe. Peoples 'lesser' which must not contaminate the purity of the "superior Aryan race." If someone wanted to imagine a "retaliation" for Adolf Hitler into the unknown circle of hell where he is, he could not find a more cruel. For him, of course.
that Hitler had jew blood in her veins was heading for a long time working with various and sometimes fanciful assumptions. But now it seems that both the science to prove, without any possibility of refutation, the Jewish North Africa and perhaps the Führer. The DNA analysis shows.

to investigate were two Belgians, the journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren that, with great patience have traced up to 39 descendants of Hitler (which is not easy since they all make every effort to cover up the embarrassing relationship ) from which they obtained many samples of saliva. Rigorous laboratory testing - writes Britain's Daily Telegraph, which reiterates the news from the Belgian magazine Knack - have traced the chromosome haplogroup Eib 1b1, extremely rare among Westerners and rather common among the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, and among the Berbers of Morocco, 'Algeria and Tunisia. I results have obtained the endorsement of the prestigious Catholic University of Leuven.

see a little 'surprises that you reserve the investigation chromosome, confirming, as is well known to geneticists, who spoke of' pure 'does not exist in the world but we are all the result of millions of crossings. It also supports the Italian geneticist Guido Barbujani, author in 2003 of a novel called sarcastic precisely issues of race (Mondadori). And the harder it is to separate the origins of the citizens in that melting pot of ethnicities between West Germany and Eastern Europe which was the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where Adolf was born April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, a town near del confine bavarese. Klara era la terza moglie di Alois, dal quale ebbe sei figli. Sopravvissero solo Adolf e la sorella Paula.

Fra i tanti misteri che hanno circondato la figura di Hitler in vita e in morte c’è anche quello della sua famiglia. Si è accertato che Alois, padre detestato da Adolf, era figlio illegittimo: da ragazzo portava il nome della madre, Anna Maria Schicklgruber, modesta cameriera in una locanda di Graz. Più tardi adottò il nome del padre naturale (che però pare non lo abbia mai voluto riconoscere), Johann Georg Hiedler o forse Hüttler, che successive trascrizioni trasformarono in Hitler. Altre fonti sostengono che Anna Maria rimase incinta di un giovane ebreo di nome Frankenberger, ma pare si tratti di notizia infondata.

Dove sta il mistero? Sta nel cognome Schicklgruber, comune fra gli ebrei ai quali l’imperatrice Maria Teresa concesse la cittadinanza austriaca dopo la loro conversione al cattolicesimo. Dunque la nonna paterna di Hitler molto probabilmente era un’ebrea convertita. Hitler aveva almeno un buon quarto di sangue ebreo nelle vene.
Secondo mistero: la causa dell’odio folle che il Führer portò agli ebrei fin dagli esordi in politica. Anche qui le ipotesi sono le più svariate. C’è chi, come il «cacciatore di nazisti» Simon Wiesenthal, ha sostenuto che una prostituta ebrea contagiò il giovane Adolf con la sifilide al tempo del suo soggiorno viennese. Altri dicono strong resentment that would lead to a jew doctor, Eduard Bloch, who underwent treatment at the wrong mother Klara. But historians would be more accurate instead found that the poor Klara, who suffered from breast cancer diagnosed too late that killed just 47 years, was instead treated with great dedication and professional competence by Dr. Bloch which Hitler - deeply attached to his mother - always professed eternal gratitude. What he was then the doctor jew at the time of persecution of the Jews, this is not known. Perhaps luckily for him, he died before.

Another explanation might be the inexhaustible bitterness that always brought Hitler to his father, a man crude and incapable of affection, which he did not believe in him or nor in his artistic skills (one can not even blame him), and from which you always felt misunderstood and despised. His hatred would have included the innocent grandmother who bore the shame of being a single mother, which, in times of strict morals, placed it in the bottom of the social scale, both as a Jew and as a Catholic.
Equally fanciful is the explanation he provides in Hitler's Mein Kampf in which he claims to have been shocked by the encounter in Vienna with a 'Ostjude, "a jew-looking Eastern European witchcraft. More likely however, is the early influence endured for Monaco in the twenties of the ideas of anti-Semitic journalist and publisher Dietrich Eckart con il quale strinse una duratura amicizia. Dopo tutto, l’antisemitismo non lo inventò Hitler. Lui vi aggiunse solo le contorte pulsioni che si aggiravano negli oscuri meandri della sua psiche.

Fonte: Il Giornale

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

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I am Israel (video)

Vi segnalo questo video, invitandovi a diffonderlo. Un video sicuramente di parte, ma che secondo me illustra bene la situazione attuale e passata.

Friday, August 6, 2010

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Jerusalem, the holiest place in the world

Il luogo più sacro del mondo

(ma anche il più esplosivo)

A Gerusalemme There is a mountain sacred to several religions.
that await the Messiah, Jesus and the Prophet
Al centro delle tensioni. La cupola della roccia, alta 35 metri (come un palazzo di 12 piani) svetta sulla Spianata delle moschee. Fu costruita dal califfo Abd al Malik fra il 687 e il 691.

Una pietra, più significati. Da qui avvenne la creazione del mondo (per gli ebrei) e Maometto salì al cielo (per l'Islam)

As at the time of the Crusades, for decades the international tension has a hub and Jerusalem. And Jerusalem has a spiritual focus, which is also a "detonator" of religious conflicts. The Jews call the Temple Mount (Har ha-Bayt). Arabs the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif).

Fedi and invasions
It 's a plateau of 144 thousand square meters and stands 20 m of the old city. It 's a concentrate of faith, myth, love and hate. Here was the first Jewish temple. After its destruction, compiuta nel 578 a. C., sorse nello stesso punto un secondo tempio, realizzato dagli Ebrei di ritorno dall'esilio in Babilonia, "liberati" dai persiani. Prima della nascita di Cristo, il tempio fu ampliato da Erode il Grande.

Ma i Romani di Tito lo distrussero nel 70 d.C. per punire l'insubordinazione dei Giudei.

Secondo la tradizione ebraica, il primo tempio sorse attorno a una roccia di pochi metri quadrati, dalla quale avvenne la creazione della vita. Su quella stessa roccia Adamo elevò il primo altare a Dio. E sempre su di essa il patriarca Abramo stava per sacrificare il figlio Isacco. Per i musulmani il motivo dell'attaccamento è un altro: da quella roccia Maometto salì su una scala di luce per visitare il Regno heaven, welcomed by the prophets, and Allah. In memory of the event, a caliph in the seventh century, built a dome on the sacred rock.

The Dome of the Rock still stands, covered in gold, on Jerusalem. In the eighth century, USL Mount was also built the mosque of Al-Aqsa. Then there were the Crusades, but when Christians leave the Holy Land, defeated by Saladin, the Temple Mount came under the control of Muslims. Until the war between Israel and Arab states in 1967, when Israeli troops planted their flag on the dome of the rock. Moshe Dayan, the architect of that victory occurred in just six days, but did remove the flag and he agreed with the Palestinians: they have managed a livello religioso il Monte del tempio, lasciando libera la visita agli ebrei. Questi avrebbero mantenuto il controllo militare del Monte e svolto le loro pratiche religiose presso il Muro del pianto, dietro cui sorgeva il secondo tempio.

Bracci di ferro
Una concessione che però non ha mai raffreddato questo vulcano della fede. Per esempio, la sovranità palestinese sul Monte del tempio è stata indicata come una delle richieste di Arafat che compromisero, nel 2000, le trattative a Camp David fra israeliani e palestinesi. Nello stesso anno, l'arrivo, nella Spianata delle moschee, dell'allora primo ministro Ariel Sharon accompagnato da mille uomini armati, diede il via alla seconda Intifada.

And consequently the bloody Israeli occupation of Gaza and part of Lebanon.

Prophecies dangerous
Even today there are those who cultivates extreme projects. The fundamentalist group of Jewish believers of the Temple, for example, would like the reconstruction of the sacred (and therefore the destruction of the Temple Mount mosques) after the sacrifice of a red heifer: His ashes, mixed with water and oils, will make " pure "descendants of the priests the Levites who will rebuild the temple. According to the prophecies, this should facilitate the coming of the messiah. The reconstruction of the temple is a goal shared by the U.S. right, called "Christian Zionist" considers this a necessary step for the return of Christ. According to this view, Christians and Jews will be involved in a fight in a battle against the Antichrist in the Holy Land, as provided by the Apocalypse of John ... and by the American billionaire Jerry Falwell and former President Ronald Reagan at the time indicated that the Soviet Union as the Antichrist, now replaced by the danger Islam.

far-fetched ideas? Maybe. But the Temple Mount could actually end up in the middle of an apocalypse: the visionary rain of fire of the Bible have indeed given way to nuclear warheads in Israel, Pakistan (the country's leading Islamic Front), India, China, Russia and the USA. But what are the historical foundation religious beliefs on this powder keg that is the Temple Mount? Thanks to archeology and critical reading of the Bible, today we have more elements of a time to get an idea.

Isaac or Ishmael? What
sacred rock has a symbolic value is evident to those who recognize that life evolved over millions of years from simpler forms to more complex ones. That just about it have thought of Abraham sacrificing Isaac is an equally obvious religious suggestion. All the more so for Muslims, about to be sacrificed by the patriarch was not Isaac, but his other son, Ishmael, Hagar was the slave. And the episode would take place near Mecca, not Jerusalem. Muslims are so confident that you have given the episode a major holiday, the Feast of the Sacrifice (Ishmael). Two very different versions of the same, important, tradition is not playing in favor of a historical confirmation.

The elusive Abraham
With all due respect of the three monotheistic religions, which have never quarreled about Abraham, considering their common ancestor, the figure of the patriarch, however, is little supported by evidence on the real historical existence. The Bible mentions him as being born in Ur and resident of Harran, two cities of Mesopotamia, called by God to move in with family in faraway land of Canaan to establish a great nation. "In fact, archaeological sources show that Jews are not moved from the land of Canaan, that is from Palestine, "said Israel Finkelstein, director of Nadler Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv." They were the result of a gradual evolution of local and who made that there are two states: the more prosperous Israel, which is based on agriculture, and the kingdom of Judah, devoted to grazing, with smaller settlements, including Jerusalem. It was the latter to develop their vocation to monotheism. In the book

the footsteps of Moses (ed. Carocci), modern collection of archaeological and textual analysis of the Bible, Finkelstein and his colleague Neil Silberman Aher explain that when the kingdom of Israel was defeated by the Assyrians, the small kingdom Judah worked out a project of political unity with the State's brother, and expansion in the region, under the banner of one God His manifesto was the political and religious heart of the Old Testament, written largely in the seventh century BC C. by a devout king, Josiah.

Myth and reality
And the patriarchs? "The biblical places them around 2000 BC, but the continued use of the text in caravans and camels, which archaeological data are available only from 1000 BC, relations with the Philistines, not exist before 1200 BC, and quotes from the urban centers not present before the eighth century BC. would reveal the many literary fiction and political-religious purposes, more than a correct historical account of the genealogy of the Jews "says Finkelstein. The Bible, in fact, has used the patriarchs, Abraham comreso to give mythic roots to the founding of Israel as a unitary state.

Certificate is historically rather King David, who would erect an altar on the fateful rock of the Temple Mount. the royal house of David inscription speaks of the fact Hazael king of Syria, who fought against the Jews in 835 BC Many years before, David had conquered Jerusalem, and importing the worship of Yahweh the Jewish city of Hebron.

An estimated end
And Solomon? "On its historical figure, there are no archaeological evidence" says Mario Liverani, professor of Near Eastern history at La Sapienza University of Rome, author of Beyond the Bible (ed. Laterza). "But be attributed to a king is not so righteous as Solomon (with several concubines, wives and foreign policies), building the first temple, suggesting that the news is correct (it was just a myth, in fact, Solomon was described without defects ed).
Maybe, once in the temple inscriptions were visible that indicated as the founder. But the temple was not to be in no great "

Adds Finkelstein:" The excavations in the nineteenth and twentieth century around the hill of the temple were not able to identify tracks the sacred building.

The same applies to the legendary palace of Solomon and large stables. "Liverani It notes:" The first temple is described in the Bible as the Persian style, but kind of architecture that emerged long after the time of Solomon (970-930 BC). The fabulous wealth for which 'the silver was plentiful in Jerusalem as stones' (Re 10:27) was the only representation of an idealized past, a mythical golden age. "

Tratto da Focus
Nel massimo splendore. Un modello del tempio di Gerusalemme, che Erode fece raddoppiare nel 20 a. C.

The second temple which was built in Jerusalem in the sixth century BC., by the prophets returned from Babylon, was the one seen by Jesus drove the merchants from there and he prophesied the end (Matthew 24: 1-2). But today Jesus is at home in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City. Here, however, pervaded by the prophet Mohammed, according to Sura XVII Qur'an: "Glory to the man who kidnapped his servant by night from the last times, blessed by the fence to show him of Our Signs." The measure refers to the Prophet's night journey to the Ka'ba in Mecca (Holy Temple) to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (final time). Other details came back from the notes: Mohammed would cross the infernal abyss and then up to the seven heavens. When the Prophet woke up in Mecca, home of a cousin, did not reveal whether it was a real experience or mystical ecstasy. Told the archangel Gabriel that she did get on a Buraq (winged creature similar to a donkey and the woman's face) that brought him to Jerusalem. Going up a stairway of light met the prophets, Jesus welcomed him at level 3, Abraham in 7th heaven, before arriving in the sight of Allah.

from Mohammed in Dante
The story spread even among Christians, in English, with Books scale. According to the Jesuit historian Don Miguel Asin Palacios (1871-1944), inspired the Divine Comedy . And in 1949 the Islamist Enrico Cerulli showed that there was a version in Italian vernacular, compiled by the notary Bonaventura da Siena, a contemporary of Dante.

Literature aside, the ninth-century Arab scholars, like Ibn Garir to Tabari and Muhammad al-Bukhari, thought that the rise of Muhammad had been a vision and not a real experience. But Islam has prevailed the second interpretation.

Franco Capone
Taken from: Focus No 180, from page to page 28. 38.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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Israel-Lebanon tensions, the tree was on Israeli soil: the UNIFIL says

A clarification should be more than ever. If we add to this that the Israeli army has warned UNIFIL about the maintenance that was preparing to make (defined "terrorist act" by counterparts) understand how the reaction was overstated in Lebanon. We, therefore, the usual ...



(AFP) - Beirut, 4 August - The United Nations has verified that trees killed by Israeli troops which resulted in clashes with the Lebanese army, were on Israeli territory.
''UNIFIL (the UN force deployed in the south of the country) decided that the trees uprooted by the Israeli army were located south of the Blue Line on Israeli soil,''explained the United Nations in a statement.
Lebanon, however, 'continues to claim the membership of quel tratto di territorio, in particolare dell'area in cui ieri sono esplosi gli scontri tra truppe di Tel Aviv e quelle di Beirut.
''In questa particolare zona il governo libanese ha dei dubbi'' sui limiti rimarcati dalla Linea Blu (confine stabilito dall'Onu nel 2000), ha spiegato la nota sottolineando come anche il governo israeliano ha le medesime riserve su altre zone.


Fonte: Asca

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Ghosts of the blue line


I fantasmi della linea blu



È probabile che la violenta sparatoria unleashed yesterday between the Lebanese and Israeli troops on the border between the two countries, with a budget of four deaths (three of Lebanese nationality and an Israeli officer) does not lead quickly to a third war in Lebanon. The Beirut government has no interest in a conflict with Israel.

And the Netanyahu government in Jerusalem is at the moment with other, more intricate skein unravel that the possibility of a war in Lebanon. Here, among other things, would meet on the road between the border and the Litani river international UNIFIL force of 10,000 troops sent into the area four years ago, the United Nations. In fact, most of the first hot comments after clashes yesterday, seem to be oriented to define an isolated incident for now.

But exchanges of artillery on the "Blue Line" (as set by the UN calls the border between Israel and Lebanon), however, appear worrisome. They came after four days because of unexpected events and so far unexplained. Katyusha rockets fell on Ashkelon and Sderot on Saturday in the Sinai Israeli missiles on Sunday and hit Eilat in Israel and Akaba in Jordan. Where are those games board, is yet to be determined. Hamas, which at first had seemed in charge of that artillery fire from a distance, has denied his involvement, and the denial was held, also in Israel, credible. Who else, therefore, may have fired in the last weekend on the south Sinai and the two Red Sea ports crowded with tourists?

Yesterday, Hezbollah has made her the hypothesis. In a short time would have to conclude the investigation of the International Tribunal on the assassination in February 2005 that cost the life of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, and it appears that the Court was ready four arrest warrants for as many leaders of Hezbollah. The party, namely, that represents in parliament and the government of Beirut's Muslim extremists. The fact is that Hezbollah is not just a political party. It is especially the central one of a wide spread militia in southern Lebanon, and equipped with modern weaponry and stronger between groups and fundamentalists who are planning the elimination of Israel. As you guessed, weapons and funds to Hezbollah (who are Shiite Muslims) come from Iran.

It would then be the threat of a shutdown of four of its leaders, pushing to the summit of the fundamentalist Lebanese border to provoke a clash with Israeli troops, and perhaps an extension of the fighting, at least for now so as to frustrate the attempts by the international tribunal to put the handcuffs on his men. It is, as we have said, of a hypothesis. That is not far-fetched. Hezbollah has many faithful among the officers of the Lebanese army, and was the Lebanese Army to shoot first in the afternoon yesterday. While with regard to Hamas and its crazy appendices, which may have been the reason to resume rocket attacks on Israel after months and months of good behavior?

In any case, the picture has arisen in a few days is this: resumption of the fall of Katyusha and other rockets into Israeli territory, shoot - after four years - the firefights on the border between Israel and Lebanon. And all this in close proximity, or even the eve of a new start of direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, that the Obama administration has managed after considerable effort and some in bad shape, to raise. Therefore, we are still faced with what has happened so many times in the last three decades, namely operation of sabotage - sometimes made from inside Israel, and Arab extremism sometimes the galaxy - to block the peace negotiations?

Who has more experience of the Israeli-Palestinian, who has assisted on many occasions to an abrupt, traumatic disruption of the so-called peace process because of a sudden attack of terrorists, or of excessive retaliation, absurdly bloody, from the Israeli air force on unarmed Palestinian villages, is inclined to think that this is. The coincidence, although Israeli sources seem to exclude that there is some relationship between the missiles fell on Israel in recent days and exchanges of artillery di ieri sulla frontiera libanese, è troppo nitida per essere trascurata. La regola è infatti questa: all'approssimarsi di nuovi negoziati israelo-palestinesi, gli oltranzisti sparano.

La situazione in Medio Oriente sta quindi, ancora una volta, precipitando? Aveva ragione Vladimir Putin quando in maggio, a Damasco, disse di temere l'avvicinarsi d'una catastrofe nella regione? Come il lettore avrà già colto, sinora sono state elencate in questo articolo soltanto delle ipotesi. Per capire quali potranno essere i seguiti, le conseguenze di questo riaccendersi della tensione sui versanti sud e nord d'Israele, bisognerà infatti attendere ancora qualche giorno. Le eventuali rappresaglie israeliane, un eventuale scesa in field, with its formidable arsenal of Hezbollah. But it may be useful to quote an essay published in June by the authoritative American Council of Foreign Relations, written by Daniel Kurtzer, former ambassador to Egypt and Israel. The essay is titled "A third Lebanon war," and outlines the risks of a conflict on the border between Israel and Lebanon, it does not matter if you started by Hezbollah or Israel. A face to face, through intermediaries, between the Government of Netanyahu and Ahmadinejad's Iran. Israeli bombing on training camps and missile silos in Syria that Hezbollah, the response from fundamentalists on the Galilee, Haifa and maybe perhaps even more deeply in the territory of the Jewish state, short commissioning motion of a gear unstoppable if not a real war. Another hypothesis? Sure, but will agree to note that all hypotheses, there is not one that sounds reassuring.

(04 August 2010)
Source: The Republic

Monday, August 2, 2010

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Israel accepts the Committee of Inquiry into the facts of the Flotilla

Unexpectedly Netanyahu seems to have accepted the investigation by an international commission of inquiry on the facts of the Freedom Flotilla . Not that an internal committee in Israel was insufficient clarity about (indeed), but this decision can (maybe) get the usual detractors on the good faith of the Government of Israel about it. But maybe: so if the committee will give reason to release the soldiers there will always be those who will say that the "powerful" Israelis have paid for a pilot-judgment. The same old short stories. No doubt that Netanyahu is a move voted on the reconciliation with Turkey, key ally in the Middle East chessboard.


UN launches inquiry commission on
Israeli blitz against anti-war ships

Netanyahu: nothing to hide. Rockets into Israel and Jordan, a dead man.
Gaza, 33 Palestinians wounded by explosion

Golfo dell'Aqaba ROME (August 2) - Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, announced today that a committee of inquiry of four experts, including an Israeli and a turkish, to investigate the Israeli raid against the Freedom Flotilla, 31 May, which caused nine deaths. Ban said that the commission will be chaired by former New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer and outgoing Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

ok after the announcement of the Israeli government. According to Ynet News, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met today with six of his cabinet ministers to respond to the request made by the Secretary General of the United Nations. This is the first time Israel agrees to participate in a survey of the United Nations concerning the work delle proprie forze di difesa.

«Israele non ha nulla da nascondere - ha detto Netanyahu - L'interesse nazionale di Israele è che vengano alla luce tutti i fatti e la verità in relazione alla vicenda della flottiglia. È un principio che noi promuoviamo». L'assenso israeliano, a quanto pare, è dovuto al fatto che la commissione avrà anche il compito di accertare eventuali responsabilità del governo turco nella vicenda. Israele è convinto che l'Ong turca organizzatrice della flottiglia abbia operato d'intesa con il governo turco se non su sua istigazione.

Cinque razzi hanno colpito oggi la città giordana di Aqaba, sul Mar Rosso - uccidendo una persona e ferendone almeno cinque - e l'adiacente città israeliana di Eilat, dove invece non hanno causato vittime e neppure danni. La località dalla quale sono partiti i razzi di tipo Grad non è stata accertata, ma la polizia israeliana presume che si trovi nel Sinai egiziano. Una possibilità però che fonti dei servizi di sicurezza egiziani hanno escluso, affermando che l'area, in quanto confinante con Israele, è sottoposta a controlli ferrei. L'attacco non è stato finora rivendicato da nessun gruppo terroristico. In Israele si sospetta che dietro l'operazione vi sia un gruppo radicale islamico.

I razzi sono caduti sulle due città poco prima delle ore otto locali (le sette in Italia). A statement issued by the Jordanian authorities, a Grad rocket exploded in front of the 'Intercontinental Hotel in the center of the city of Aqaba, killing the driver of a taxi and injuring five others. The hotel is full of tourists and the Foreign Ministry has activated all channels to ensure the presence of Italians. In Eilat, a resident, Avi Cohen, said he heard a series of blasts that rocked the building where he was. The head of the local district police Moshe Cohen said the city so far not found signs of the blasts and suggested that some rockets have exploded in the sea and have been launched from the Sinai. It is not excluded that the attack is a response to the explosion in a building by Hamas abitato da un responsabile del suo braccio armato a Dir El Balah, nel sud della striscia di Gaza, che la scorsa notte ha causato il ferimento di una trentina di persone. Hamas ha accusato Israele, ma quest'ultimo ha negato che le sue forze armate abbiano operato nell'area.

Aqaba era già stata colpita da un razzo lo scorso 22 aprile, senza subire vittime. Prima ancora nel 2005, razzi erano stati sparati contro una nave da guerra americana ancorata nel porto di Aqaba senza colpire il bersaglio, ma uccidendo un soldato giordano.

Gaza, esplosione nel campo profughi, 33 feriti. Trentatre palestinesi sono rimasti feriti per una esplosione nel campo profughi di Deir al Balah, nel sud della città di Gaza. L'esplosione ha distrutto una casa dove vive un responsabile del braccio armato del movimento islamico Hamas, le Brigate Ezzedine al Kassam, ferendo gravemente una donna e più leggermente gli altri residenti. I servizi di sicurezza di Hamas hanno parlato di un bombardamento israeliano, ma la circostanza è stata negata da un portavoce militare di Israele.

Fonte: Il Messaggero