Sunday, October 10, 2010

2005 Puma Rks25 Travel Trailer

Israel has made progress towards peace. Now it's up to the Arab world


of Claudio Pagliara

Jerusalem. Ten years have passed since the failure of negotiations at Camp David, the V for victory sign, designed by the fingers of Arafat to return home from the promenade of Ariel Sharon on the Temple Mount since the beginning of the long season of suicide bombings, the Israeli counter-offensive against the terror infrastructure. E 'was undoubtedly the bloodiest phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - more than a thousand Israeli deaths, as well 3000 Palestinian, named as the "Second Intifada", which, as often happens in the era of unconventional warfare, has neither a beginning nor unanimously accepted a date certain end.

Ten years later, the two leaders are both duelists left the scene. Ariel Sharon, due to a stroke that plunged him into the realm between life and death. Yasser Arafat, who was killed by a disease never officially diagnosed, that continues to fuel the conspiracy theory, so popular in the Arab world. And 'is significant that the tenth anniversary of the intifada has not been recalled, with official ceremonies, nor in Jerusalem or Ramallah. Only in Gaza, Hamas has raised the flag. The leader of the Islamic movement to Zahar, took the opportunity to make a revelation of a certain weight, unfortunately almost ignored by the Italian press. According to Zahar, Arafat asked Hamas to launch attacks in the heart of Israel when an ad hoc unhappy outcome of the negotiations at Camp David. So far, the prevailing view was that the Rais had used for this purpose only the military wing of Fatah, the al-Aqsa Brigades. If revelation is true, Arafat confirms that, far from launching the intifada in order to obtain more concessions from Israel in 2000 had made the strategic decision to destroy the enemy with terror, throwing in some way mask.

After three years in which Israel does not know suicide bombings, the second intifada can be said to be finished, even if the threat posed by Hamas in Gaza it is somehow a continuation. Who won? The answer is obvious: Israel. On the military side, with the blow to terrorist organizations. But not only. People have shown great resilience. If the directors of the Intifada were thinking of throwing the Jews to the sea with terror, have been blatantly contradicted by the facts. In the city under terrorist attack, life did not stop. Albeit with exceptional security measures, the country has continued to function. The economy, after an initial splash, he resumed running. Diametrically opposite the picture in the Palestinian territories. The weapon of terrorism has proved to be destructive for those who have contested. The Intifada has canceled a stroke of a pen with red blood on the economic boom in the territories after the Oslo accords. In the daily life of Palestinians entered the humiliating experience of the checkpoint. The West Bank barrier built to stop suicide bombers to inflict great suffering.

The impact on the prospects of peace in the bloody 2000-2005 season is profound. The Israelis have lost faith in the possibility of an agreement. Now physically separate from the Palestinians, have downgraded the resolution of the conflict of their fifth priority, after education, la criminalità, la sicurezza e la povertà. Sul piano politico, l’ondata di terrore ha definitivamente cambiato l’equilibrio delle forze. Nei Territori Palestinesi, si è creata una frattura insanabile, Gaza sotto controllo di Hamas e la Cisgiordania di Abu Mazen e Salam Fayyad. In Israele, l’Indifada ha prodotto un travaso di voti da sinistra, regista degli accordi di Oslo e la destra che vi si era opposta. Al contempo però ha infranto per sempre il sogno della Grande Israele. Ha fatto emergere lo spettro di uno stato binazionale. Ha mostrato i limiti dell’uso della forza e l’importanza di salvaguardare la legittimità internazionale. Questi elementi spiegano la rivoluzione ideologica che ha portato, ognuno con i its time or manner, Sharon, Olmert, Tzippi Livni and Netanyahu to embrace the formula "two states for two peoples", after having long resisted.

Read the geopolitical map of Israel with old patterns, as many do in Europe, does not pick up the signals of increasing Israel's willingness to find a way out. Over the past five years, Sharon withdrew from Gaza, Olmert has offered to put the holy sites of Jerusalem under an international authority. Netanyahu has frozen for 10 months, something unprecedented, settlements, some of which are tens of thousands of city dwellers. A march towards an understanding approach may be helped by concessions from the other side, the Palestinian Authority. The difficulty of Abu Mazen, are known, one for all, his power does not extend to the Gaza Strip. But it is time that the Arab world, concerned over Iran's hegemonic ambitions of Israel, to come out of its ambiguity and give a realistic contribution to reaching a compromise on the two most intricate knots, Jerusalem and refugees. Europe, in the forefront of putting pressure on Israel, would do well to apply them in this direction.

October 6, 2010 Source: The Western


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