Shalom pubblica in anteprima l’allarme lanciato dallo studio del CDEC:
aumento sensibile dei siti Judeophobia and the Holocaust deniers and blog.
Sites "deniers, anti-Zionist, or Judeophobia, sites of extreme right and left, Islamists, fundamentalists or Catholics, conspiracy. It 'difficult to quantify the number of contacts, or how many people come into contact with such content, but it is certain that through the internet propaganda and dissemination of intolerant ideas becomes easier. Internet information, organizes, gives structure and relational communication system between these extremist groups and even those anti-Semites. The risk of anti-online is its ability to influence social values, especially among the young. The technology creates a ambiente dove l’antisemitismo o altre forme di odio, diventano accettabili all’interno della società.
E quello che inizia nella comunità on line può poi influenzare i reali comportamenti sociali. Inoltre la facilità con cui si condividono i contenuti in internet espone al rischio che tematizzazioni antisemite vengano lette e accettate come storicamente valide”. e’ questo uno dei passaggi più allarmanti – che shalom pubblica in anteprima – della relazione quadriennale sull'antisemitismo in Italia (2007-2010) che il CDEC (centro di documentazione ebraica contemporanea) ha prodotto in coincidenza con il congresso dell’unione delle comunità ebraiche italiane. Se nel nostro paese gli episodi di violenza antiebraica (atti di vandalismo a istituzioni ebraiche o profanazioni di cimiteri, di graffiti, di e-mail offensive indirizzate a comunità o a istituzioni) sono stati per fortuna pochi e sporadici (53 nel 2007, 69 nel 2008, 53 nel 2009, e una quarantina fino a novembre del 2010), ciò che appare in sensibile crescita è l’antisemitismo su internet. Nel quadriennio 2007/2010 i siti internet italiani con significativi contenuti antiebraici sono sostanzialmente raddoppiati rispetto ai quattro anni precedenti. Nel solo 2009 – secondo i dati forniti dal ministero degli interni – i siti e i gruppi di discussione che hanno diffuso contenuti di natura razzista, scoperti e monitorati dalla Polizia, sono stati 1.200 (erano stati 800 nel 2008, un incremento del 50%). I siti italiani di ispirazione antiebraica – spiega il documento del CDEC – sono stati suddivisi in quattro categorie: i 'principali', cioè quelli che contengono la documentazione antiebraica più ricca, articolata ovvero virulenta (EffeDiEffe, TerraSantaLibera, Web Nostrum, Italia Sociale, Holy War, Radio Islam, Belluccidagos’ Blog, Paulus Lombardus ANTIZOG Il blog politicamente scorretto dell’avvocato Edoardo Longo); gli ‘antisionisti’ correlati al conflitto mediorientale e connotati da un radicale rifiuto dello stato di Israele e del ‘sionismo’ (Agenzia Stampa, Forum Palestina, Arcipelago, Aginform Correspondence Sheet Communist ARABcomint, Italo-Palestinian Friendship Association Onlus, BoccheScucite, Claudio Moffa, The Writing of Israel Shamir) i 'conspiracist' who read the major historical events and news through the lens of an imaginary plot inspired by the great tentacular 'lobbies' (Misinformation - Truth Beyond the Journal, subliminal messages / Cultural Center St. George, ComeDonChisciotte, New World Order), and finally the 'deniers' (Andrea Carancini, Auschwitz Holocaust Surveys on the scam, Civium Libertas, The , OLODOGMA, Mattogno Carlo studies, 21 and 33 Freedom of expression, teaching and research, Aaargh, CODOH). The activism of the top Italian anti-Jewish sites - which goes by the update of the newspaper pages, the addition of multimedia documentation - has recently characterized the organization of conferences, from the collection of signatures for the defense of web attacks of the 'Israel Lobby 'and especially the creation of dossiers against perceived enemies, parliamentarians and Alessandro Ruben Fiamma Nirenstein.
"Some sites make a revisionist reading, highly reductionist or anti-Jewish Holocaust - denounced the document - are run by academics Italian (Claudio Moffa, Antonio Caracciolo). At the same time professors Jewish academics (or defined as such) that are subjected to a black list on the blog site of the telescope, where 162 names are common. In Italy there are about 50 spaces online relaunch that explicitly anti-Jewish themes and who spread the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (found in virtually all languages, and difficult to find even a few years ago on paper because they could only buy in certain specialized libraries), the "Mein Kampf", anti-Jewish pre-war film, and video clips of the 99 Fosse (parodies of famous songs in anti-Semitic). The ease of collecting the worst stereotype of the anti-Jewish faces, and is an element of further concern, with the lack of knowledge that Italians have of the Jews. The CDEC, in collaboration with the ISPO (headed by Professor Renato Mannheimer), a survey commissioned opinion poll showing that 84% of the population does not know personally any jew, some 15% acknowledge that you have met some and only 0.9% claims to know many. There is little knowledge of the Jews, but the opinions expressed are accurate, however:
- there can never be trusted entirely of Jews (18.9%)
- Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the their country (26.0%)
- Jews have been transformed from a people deaths in a population of offenders (26.4%)
- Jews are doing to Palestinians what the Nazis did to the Jews (21.6%)
- underneath the Jews have always lived behind the others (15.1%)
- Jews control the media in many countries around the world (25.35%)
- Italian Jews are not all the way (23.1%)
- Jews move the finance world to their advantage (31.7%)
- Jews always seem to have a disproportionate political power (27.1%) despite
- the conflict the Jews are sensitive to the suffering of the Palestinian people (23.3%)
- Jews talk too much of their tragedies and neglect those of others (30.3%)
- goes round and round the money is always in the hands of Jews (26.7%)
- take advantage of the Nazi extermination Jews to justify Israel's policy (24.5%)
on these reviews also weigh the vicissitudes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "For years - says the document CDEC - the main international studies show the correlation between the Middle East crisis (terrorist attacks, wars, etc..) And the growth of anti-Semitism nel mondo”. In particolare a seguito dell’azione militare israeliana a Gaza denominata ‘Piombo fuso’, nel corso del 2009 si è registrato un picco di azioni violente e di manifestazioni di massa anti israeliane e anti ebraiche (1129) che rappresenta un aumento di più del 100% rispetto ai dati del 2008 (che erano state 559). I dati più gravi riguardano la Gran Bretagna (374 rispetto ai 112 del 2008), la Francia (195 rispetto a 50), il Canada (138 rispetto a 13) e gli USA (116 rispetto a 98). “Anche in Italia – ricorda il documento del CDEC – a Roma, Milano, Bologna, Torino, Brescia, Vicenza, vengono organizzate manifestazioni contro Israele promosse da associazioni arabo-islamiche to which thousands of people taking part in much of Arab origin, but also of the Italian social centers and parties of the extreme left. All these events were characterized by a hard-Zionism, the Maghen David has often been joined by the swastika, alongside Palestinian flags appeared also the banner of Hamas, were shouted slogans against the "Nazi-Zionist" and the destruction the Jewish state.
demonstrations in Milan and Bologna have been concluded in the churchyard of the cathedral with a prayer group led by Islamic fundamentalist imam. " In trying to understand this new wave of anti-Semitism worldwide, to counter their growth, to find new monitoring tools, in 2009 the coalition was formed to combat anti-Semitism Inter (ICCA).
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