If the news (see here) is confirmed, we are faced with a revolution: an English company, Cell Energy, seems to have discovered a way to create a fuel derived from hydrogen and used with the engines now in production at affordable rates, around 30 cents per liter (1).
A source of energy at affordable prices without CO 2 , derived from hydrogen and can be used with current engines would be really something extraordinary.
First you change the geo-political balance in many areas of the world. The struggle for control of oil has caused wars and political compromises little ladies, but has also caused major economic impact: the money earned by oil producers have increased the instability foreign exchange and financial markets.
With an artificial derived from hydrogen gas, the Europeans and the Americans will import less than what happens in Iraq , Iran or Venezuela and weigh less choices China, which now is a great consumer of oil. No more worry about, also the oil reserves or the price. We will also leave in the ground or will be used only in poor countries who can not or will not acquire the technology to produce synthetic gasoline, or the countries currently produce oil.
Then they will probably wiped out many projects, sometimes illusory, to change the world of transportation.
Years ago it seemed certain the changeover to hydrogen. In a book of great success, the futurist Jeremy Rifkin has suggested major changes in the economy through the introduction of engines driven by hydrogen, which could replace conventional engines.
but it turned out, at least so far, illusion. The high cost of hydrogen and the difficulties of creating a distribution network in security conditions have made the road impassable hydrogen. So
is back in fashion 's electric car, which can now enjoy a better technology. There remain some problems: electric cars are expensive, they have little autonomy and there is no mains supply. Use is limited and therefore models sold do not meet the favor of potential buyers.
In Italy they sell less than 200 electric cars a year, about 1 in 10,000 cars. Practically nothing.
The only way to go to transport "electric" and focusing on railways, building new lines, most modern and fast.
But what happens if you fail to produce a synthetic fuel that does not generate CO 2 and is not derived from petroleum? will be still convenient point on the power or the railways? Serve new railways and new roads used by trucks powered by traditional with non-fossil fuels?
--- (1) The article talks about $ 1.50 a gallon: In view of the euro / dollar and a gallon equals 3.79 liters, the rate is about 30 cents per liter
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