The idea is that the state must take a step back, entrusting public services primarily to individuals, to manage them directly only when the private sector is not available. One argument in favor of subsidiarity is the increased efficiency of the private sector . The State, we think, is less efficient and more patronage of individuals, decide slowly, is not flexible.
Subsidiarity was applauded by many, left, who may not have realized that, in essence, means to procure private services paid by the State.
a nursing home (or hospital), however, discriminate against private workers, preferring those who are in line with the beliefs (religious, political or sexual) of the owner, while the public sector use tool contests and can also Use the profits to support certain political forces, which return the favor by increasing the fees paid by the Region of the nursing home. And then
is true that individuals are more efficient?
These days we are discovering the scandal of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio and Policlinico di Milano. The clinic is headed by Giancarlo Cesana, an important leader of Communion and Liberation , often committed to spread the principle of subsidiarity.
A haven of efficiency? No, the real estate of the clinic is often rented out to celebrities, politicians, friends and a quarter of the property is vacant or is assigned to tenants who do not pay.
Over one billion of assets makes just 11 million, that is a paltry 1%.
The inefficiency is guaranteed. What about the last episode of Presadiretta, who spoke of cuts in social services in Lazio and Campania, where the private money will get to treat only the mentally ill with drugs, and where is the public service heal the sick?
This is the much heralded subsidiarity by Communion and Liberation: a mixture of personal interests and crafty. At the expense of the community.
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