Friday, February 11, 2011

Online Tech Deckgames

Tick \u200b\u200bthe burqa among ultra-observant Jewish

N el town of Beit Shemesh women covered from head to toe in burqas blacks:
are adepts of a Jewish sect ultras who accompany their daughters to school.
Why rabbis are silent?

The Taliban have arrived at the gates of Jerusalem. Every morning the residents of the town of Beit Shemesh come see women covered from head to toe in burqas blacks, but Islam has nothing to do this time: they are adepts of a Jewish sect ultras, who accompany their daughters to school. And the girls are wearing dark hoods, their faces covered rigorously. The secular press and s'inquieta spoken of as "Jewish Taliban." Theirs is an extreme form of religiosity, which Israel began to take hold in 2006 and now already has several hundred of the faithful around the country.

recognize in the crowd is easy: they are daughters of a radical interpretation of the commandment of the Jewish 'tzniut', which requires women to dress modestly in order not to attract attention and lust for men. Feet and head covered, sleeves that reach to the elbow, knee-length skirts: women 'harediot', literally "fear", all dressed like that and there are hundreds of thousands, in constant growth in the country of Zionism. But the 'Taliban' go further, do not show even an inch of skin. "A man who sees parts of the female body - explain - is sexually stimulated, and this leads him to sin. Our habit saves us, and save people from themselves. " In this logic, even the girls have to be veiled: "Some men look at you as sexual objects - argue the mothers in black - and then the true values \u200b\u200bshould be taught from an early age." The view of the small bundled up in yards of fabric did raise more than an eyebrow.

The National Council for Child Welfare has asked the ministry to investigate, anche perché le bambine vengono indottrinate in scuole a parte, gestite dalle loro madri. E nessuno vigila sui metodi impiegati in questi appartamenti riconvertiti in classi, né sul programma didattico. Nemmeno la comunità ultra-ortodossa tradizionale apprezza questo zelo, se non altro perché molti affiliati della setta sono neofiti che hanno riabbracciato la fede dei padri solo di recente. “Sono gli ultimi arrivati e osano dire che le nostre donne non sono abbastanza modeste”, s’adontano gli ‘haredim’ di più antico lignaggio.

Le ‘talebane’, però, ribattono serafiche: “Sono loro che sbagliano, loro e le loro donne”. Il dibattito ferve e investe, oltre il compliance 'halacha', religious law, the more general issue of indentation Jewish. A topic that, for odd coincidence, these days he did well to head the Knesset, the parliament of Israel. Where yesterday was celebrated in an atmosphere which is not without conflicts between right-wing parties and representatives of the Arab minority, the first 'Day of Jewish identity. In substance, deputies and deputies have discussed how to preserve the ethnic and religious roots among the younger generations. And members of the hard wing Likud party of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, received a clear answer: to discourage in every way mixed marriages, particularly with the Arabs, as admonished by the heat 'pasionaria' nationalist Tzipi Hotovely. Pointing to a solution that would inevitably drew accusations of racism - as well as "an attack on Israeli democracy" - inside the classroom as in the newspapers. And the controversy here, too, appear far from abating.

Source: ANSA


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