Saturday, March 12, 2011

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(photo thankyou mariella PR - Archive 2008)

According to a report in this article Take That have relied on a company that makes anti-aging products to rejuvenate their appearance, now that the age of forty are close to all the wild life behind them may have left some mark on his face ...
Robbie would have discovered these miracle products advertised at the VIP area of \u200b\u200bthe Brits and it would be quick to advise the rest of the band.
It is said that their managers have already made contact with the Company Rehab London to make sure that the "boys" can find a perfect shape and a skin on top.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

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NICOLETTA aphorism: "Mendacem memorem it expedient."

"Mendacem memorem them expedient"
E 'requires that the liar
have good memory
Anthropologist Nicoletta Grandma
"Mendacem memorem them expedient"


E ' necessary that the liar

have good memory

*************************** ******************************

Urge a crusade in favor of openness.
God is truth
Don Pino
This aphorism, both serious and humorous, it touches the focal points of personality and behavior of men. Concerns the sphere of 'individuality and the psyche. All lies, say for several reasons. Those who claim to speak the truth 'is not sincere. Lying is an 'art that is learned about three years when the child is able to imagine what other people think. For the first time choose to tell a lie to avoid punishment. During adolescence, however, the lie is useful to protect the sense of self. In adulthood, one must distinguish between the sporadic and chronic liar liar. For this latter the lie becomes a "disease". If you lose completely contact with reality, you end up really believing the lies that are told and can not be more help but say, in this case are pathological.
Telling lies continually triggers a vicious circle, an 'escalation bigger and bigger lies to cover previous stress for fear of being discovered, needs to have a' good memory for keeping the accounts "of lies . Alexander Pope claimed that "an excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie , because the excuse is a lie guarded."
Let us analyze the various reasons why you tell lies: for education and sensitivity to hurt others, especially children to gratify, for a purpose that is for utilitarisico not complete a task or assignment, not to discover something that someone could be painful, to save disappointment.
Who says this kind of lies wants to control the other person. Liar for a good person has a poor person's confidence and its ability 'to face reality even if it is not' positive (and 'devaluation of the other)
Actually' you tell lies for a good purpose does it to protect himself and why 'at the bottom is afraid of the reaction of the listener, to ruin a relationship, not being able to manage their own emotions and those of the other person.
The lies are part of our strategy to be liars sopravvivenza.A times with some people we can be honest with others. addition there is the 'omission is not a real lie, but you hide the truth or part of it. In our social system be fair not to say the truth in every circumstance and at any cost.
Nicoletta Nonna
Jesus Christus, heri et hodie, ipse est in saecula!

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the Confraternity to meet the Bishop Pennisi

Pontifical of Bishop
Gov. Michael Crow
of the Precious Blood
Meeting of the brotherhoods
PIETRAPERZIA. Bishop Michele Pennisi met Saturday, March 5, 2011, the local confraternities in the mother church with the celebration of a liturgical rite. In town there are three fraternities: Maria SS. Help with the governor Joseph Maddalena, with the Precious Blood of Our Governor Michael Crow and the governor which is Rocchina Scalieri. The three fraternities maintain the rituals of Holy Week, Easter Sunday and the procession of Corpus Christi. The comp is around 266, the largest is the female which has 120 sisters, those of Relief are 84, while those of the Precious Blood are 62.
"Today the three fraternities - said the governor Joseph Maddalena, in greeting the bishop - continues in the spiritual formation of their comp, not to mention to promote any initiative to preserve the rich heritage of faith and culture which the brotherhoods are still owners. We like to recall that thanks to the Brotherhood of SS. of Relief, has been restored "The Ladata" can laudatari talented. We know that we lack the comfort of your Excellency for all initiatives aimed at spiritual growth of the comp. but we are keen to get some advice in order to bring new generations with the spirit and the world of fraternities.
homily Bishop Michele Pennisi, inter alia, ha affermato: “Le Confraternite non sono semplici società di mutuo soccorso oppure associazioni filantropiche, ma un insieme di fratelli che, volendo vivere il Vangelo nella consapevolezza di essere parte viva della Chiesa, si propongono di mettere in pratica il comandamento dell’amore, che spinge ad aprire il cuore agli altri, particolarmente a chi si trova in difficoltà”.
“Ogni confraternita - ha concluso il presule - è chiamata ad essere esperienza di fede perché: crea comunione nella dispersione, mostra coraggio nel qualunquismo, offre solidarietà nell’individualismo, stabilisce mete nella confusione, fa carità mentre impera l’egoismo, rende vivi nelle temptations of death, creates a dangerous trapeze net of life, brings the saints to bring to God, offers a novitiate in a world of improvisation, leads a suit because he is not ashamed of the faith, raising a banner to give glory to God chooses as a patron saint to follow their examples, have a home in the Church to hold a welcoming home for everyone, brothers look to beat the loneliness, he participated in processions to train the final procession to the heavenly Jerusalem. "
Don Pino Carà

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Extract from a short interview with Luke Day (Style's Fashion Director for GQ), which is handling the look of Take That.
performance from the Brits on the video until KIDZ .. tour.

"For the video for KIDZ, initially was a concept that we have Mark then processed together with other members of the band. The idea was to interpret the brigands who had Gypsies traveled through space and time, grabbing everything in their path. In short, you could indulge without too many rules.
As for the film references, of course we were inspired by films like Mad Max, The Fisher King, Time Bandits with references also to Lawrence of Arabia and Star Wars. Howard certainly would not be out of place in a fim Jean-Pierre Jeunet. There are also several connections with the story .... knights and centurions mixed with a bit of modern pop culture.
The boys had a great time to wear these costumes. Especially Mark with his cape!

For the night of the Brits was not easy to find a dress that had a military look but not quite specific and that it was suitable for all members of the band.

During the awards Take That wore clothes by Vivienne Westwood.
Robbie has to wear the creations of Vivienne abiutati but the other four seemed particularly excited because this is a fashion designer who used to dress so many years ago but not recently.

As for the costumes, tour, work in progress ..... "

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The labor market

The labor market

talk about the labor market means in most of the time fall into a long list of problems, usually the opposite, depending on whether you look at the side of the employee or the employer's side.
But I want to analyze the issue from a purely fiscal point of view, also trying to provide some interesting solutions.
First we start from a given: the cost of an employee in the company? Let
- ignore some specific sectors such as construction or agriculture
- all the costs, including IRAP, which we know has a direct impact on the cost labor, since that is not deductible in the tax base, INAIL, the additional municipal and regional authorities, the TFR.
However the results are as follows:
1. the employee will net paycheck € 1,200 per month for 13 months, then € 15,600 per year.
2. The cost for a corporate employee is equal to € 31,240

E 'is quite clear that the gap is simply too large: the employee gets too little and too expensive to the employer.

This has the following effects:

1. At a time when I hire an employee, employer, will the calculations on the employee's performance starting with the cost labor, then an employee than it costs € 30,000 a year will be an employee already qualified, serious and safe custody. Conversely for the employee € 1,200 per month will be a pitiful wage, and then you feel underpaid!
2. Employees will not have disposable income to spend, in fact, with € 1,200 per month with a rent or a mortgage to pay, there's nothing left to "run the economy." To put a slogan. It happens to the low growth of Italy in the last 15 years is due largely to weak domestic demand. But as can be strong domestic demand to employees if there is nothing left to spend?
3. How can you blame an employer if an employee instead of hiring him to do the same skilled work (!?) giving € 2000 per month (plus VAT), making him open the VAT? The employee is happier because he has more money in his pocket and he deducts all and save!
4. Some work in Italy can no longer do because it uneconomic. And here are not talking about Chinese competition to 400 € a month, but Let us realize that a U.S. worker is cheaper than an Italian one.

So what to do?

I can venture a few hypotheses:

1. If you want to keep certain warranties, so the same salary level that will provide the same pension, not si possono toccare i contributi versati, a meno che non sia lo stato stesso, per scelta politica, a versarne una parte. Una soluzione potrebbe essere introdurre degli sgravi contributivi, come succede attualmente con i contratti di apprendistato, facendo in modo che una parte dei contributi li versi lo stato, in particolar modo quelli a carico del datore di lavoro (circa il 9%). Attualmente l’agevolazione dei contratti di apprendistato dura 3 anni e fino all’età di 26-28 anni. Però se fossero estesi ad esempio per 10 anni, e per lavori qualificati, allora, dopo 10 anni per il datore di lavoro sarebbe altamente antieconomico liberarsi di un dipendente per far posto ad un altro da addestrare da zero.
E’ ovvio che tale agevolazione should not apply to workers with low skills.

2. Reduce taxes on labor and increase it on the autonomous, so that it is cheaper to hire an employee to use a professional or a craftsman with a VAT. This would be strong against tax evasion, because employees can not escape (or at least evade very little ...). Furthermore, decreasing the number of VAT is likely to increase checks on everyone else. This should be coupled with reform of business taxation, introducing a "tax on companies' special. In fact, today the company of people pay IRAP and IRE members, not all pay the IRES.

3. Eliminate the possibility of working members: all members of all societies must be employed for the same reason above.

4. Reduce taxation in general, in order to decrease the difference between labor costs and payroll received by the worker.

The reform does not please everyone: self-employed and professionals would be disadvantaged and companies with employees would be benefited. But these choices would be purely political.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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E 'have updated the page Butterfly Benefit, scheduled for next May 12 in London and organized by the charity Caudwell Children.
are missing the name and photo of Gary Barlow from the ad, unlike reported only a couple of days ago (see here ).
now appear only Robbie Williams and Robin Gibb.
So there will be a duet with Gary but Robbie will perform I guess as a solo artist ....
remember that the spectators will be allowed 250, the ticket by paying a minimum cost of € 3'570.
The event is closed and will not be transmitted by radio and television networks.
ps: So hard to find a picture of Robbie latest?

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The country mourns two famous men

PIETRAPERZIA. The country cries these days, two famous men who have brought high the torch of community: the lawyer and Professor Philip Siciliano Giuseppe Nicoletti. Both mayors have served as the municipality for five years from 1956 to 1961. Came to power the lawyer Philip Siciliano under the auspices of the Christian Democrats in 1959 and then took his place Professor Giuseppe Nicoletti. The community remembers them for their service dimension and the respect of human dignity. The town was the birthplace of both; have managed a sindacatura in a course of time and returned to the Father's house after four days. Philip Siciliano was 88 years, while Peppino Nicoletti 82. In the social fabric were two giants who are the pride of the country that gave them birth. Philip Siciliano, criminal, prince of the Bar of Caltanissetta, where the size of the profession gives him international fame, he held positions within the order locally, regionally and nationally. His funeral was held in the Cathedral of Caltanissetta, in the presence of numerous magistrati e colleghi ed il sacro rito è stato presieduto dal nipote don Giuseppe Di Rocco. Il mondo cattolico pietrino lo ricorda anche per il suo discorso celebrativo per il 750° del ritrovamento dell’immagine di Maria SS. della Cava, nostra patrona. Di elevata sensibilità al bello pubblicò un florilegio di liriche che distribuì con dedica a noi numerosissimi amici.

Il professor Giuseppe Nicoletti, fu docente per 40 anni e diede formazione umana e culturale nelle scuole di stato. Per 38 anni è stato presidente per il banco di credito “La Concordia” e per sette anni vice presidente della “Concordia – San Michele”. I suoi funerali si sono svolti nella Mother Church and were chaired by Don and Don Giuseppe Pino Rabita Carà homily and was remembered as a man "mild". The two funerals this the municipal administration of Emma Enzo with Banner of the municipality.
we asked Raffaella A memory and Rosalie, their daughters and few of these great men. Raffaella Sicilian father turned to say: 'Your deep thought and bright, your mind right, kind and courageous will be our guide and our pride. "
Rosario Nicoletti says sadly: "A few days after the death of my father, the grief is comforted by the affection shown by those who knew him. Educators in schools of several generations of students, director of the Credit Bank, has always operated with integrity, commitment and dedication. Its human solidarity and the ability to listen to people's needs have meant it to be respected and appreciated by many. The void he leaves, then, is not felt only by our familiar, but also by many of our fellow citizens. "

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Lent is to meet Jesus

Lent is a journey not so much in a large law be observed, but rather the very person of Jesus to meet, to be accepted, to be followed, in the rediscovery of the baptismal link.
Lent is a journey, that rises to accompany Jesus to Jerusalem, site of the fulfillment of the mystery of his passion, death and resurrection.
This journey of faith reminds us that the Christian life is a way to go to the school of Jesus, who tells us: "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me ". P er which the man, who died to sin, is given a share of new life in the Risen Christ. " A journey that, according to ancient Christian tradition, accompanied the catechumens and today is made from its current liturgy of the five Sundays of Lent. L and traditional practices of this important season of the Church are: fasting, almsgiving and prayer.
Fasting is not only abstinence from food, but also covers other forms of deprivation for a more sober life, outward sign of an inner reality, of our efforts, with the help of God, to abstain from evil and living the Gospel.
almsgiving, however, is not just the rich and wealthy, but also those of modest and poor, because so unequal in fortune, they can all be equal feelings of devotion of the soul.

Prayer, then, is one of humility and charity, fasting and nell'elemosina, in temperance and forgiveness of injuries, giving cose buone e non restituendo quelle cattive.
Don Pino Carà

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ROBBIE WILLIAMS - OUR MOST BRILLIANT POP STAR The official website has been an 'interview with Alex Bilmes, a music journalist and publisher of Esquire Magazine.
Alex also wrote the preface for the re-edzioni albums of Robbie and interviewed him for GQ in 2009.
Here is a summary of the interview translated into Italian.

"The first time I met Robbie Williams was in 1994 in a night club. He was in Take That and very popular right now. I was just a student of twenty-one. I remember that we chatted and proved exactly what is funny and crazy .... It's been 15 years before we met again.
If I had to describe it in five words?
Our Most brilliant pop star (the most brilliant pop stars we have).
I have all the albums of Robbie. I've heard several times and the great thing is that if you listen to when you grew up, while remaining the same, may take an entirely different meaning depending on the road that took your life.
Pop star of that caliber do not happen often in the music scene. Brilliant and mysterious. Watching his videos is as if one part playing the role of the pop star but at the same time the criticism.
It 's also a very funny person and does not take itself too seriously. And this aspect is really raro in una pop star.
La canzone che preferisco di Robbie è Come Undone. Bè ho detto che non si prende troppo sul serio e poi se ne esce con una canzone come questa ! ..pungente, onesta ...spietato con se stesso.
E' un modo fantastico di essere. Altrimenti sarebbe tutto una finzione."

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Pubblico la notizia dell'evento perchè qualcuno potrebbe essere interessato.
Qualche settimana fa una persona aveva anticipato nella chat di questo Flash Mob a blog dedicated to Take That to be held in Milan on April 9 (also indicating a precise square of the city ....).
Today I noticed that she appeared on the facebook event organized by Samsung (the official sponsor of the tour) and refers to a secret location in Milan, which will be unveiled just days before the flash mob , so better not to reveal any place in advance ... If you are interested to participate
Lieutenant eye this page on Facebook where it has already been published video of the choreography of Relight My Fire to learn for the Flash Mob.

ps For those who do not know what a flash mob, I refer you to the wikipedia page here .
no mistake! It is an event with the participation of Take That but only the fans.
( This for example is the flash mob of The Black Eyed Peas in Milan last year)

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The donkey economic: the CEO of Enel

It seems that the seat is unsafe, the CEO of Enel Fulvio Conti could soon give way to a man appointed by the Northern League. And so it seems nell'attore become a commercial in favor of nuclear power, with long-term forecasts that make you smile .

Conti said this morning (I attach at the bottom of the statements made by that if all goes well (and it is doubtful) the first nuclear power plant becomes operational in 2020. Enel aims to build 4 in collaboration with France's EDF and, against an expenditure of 18 billion, to create 3500 jobs for each central . All of then with strong socio-economic impact on the climate (nuclear power plants do not produce CO 2 ), research and development, etc. (the full statement found in the country).


In Finland, Olkiluoto (see here) , the central building, similar to those perviste in Italy, will cost 50% more than expected ( 1.7 billion more than the € 3, € 2 billion set by the contract) and a delay of 3 years after 3 years of work . We therefore believe that it will build the first nuclear power plant in 2020 and the estimated cost?

And what are the important consequences for Italy? Enel and the government figures seem to shoot at random on the role of nuclear power. For the government aims to cover 25% of the electricity needs for the Enel half.

If he is right and if Enel-to-energy hypothesis nuclear power would cost one third less than the average of the other forms of energy, the discount on the bills would be 5%. Between 15-20 years, when plants come into operation.

So the statements of accounts make you smile. Anyone who knows economics knows that it is very difficult to predict such long-term, especially in a sector like power generation where technology can change everything in a short time .

Over the next 20 years will be amended
existing plants, new technologies will arrive that will reduce consumption of oil or coal for the same energy and develop new technologies that produce alternative energy and more efficient.

What accounts seems a tricky spot , such as the nuclear forum recently rejected by the Code of Advertising Practice (see here) , drawn up without any knowledge economy.

"On nuclear we are not out of time, our engineers are continuing to work." It says to. D. Enel, Fulvio Conti, speaking in the House hearing.

"If this year will be 'completed the administrative part and was able to have full functionality' Agency for Nuclear Safety, said Conti-will 'still possible to have the first centrale entro il 2020, come previsto". Per rispettare l'obiettivo 2020, ha aggiunto Conti, "entro il prossimo anno dovrebbe partire il processo di richiesta delle autorizzazioni per i siti".

Quello che serve all'Italia, ha aggiunto ancora Conti, e' un mix bilanciato di fonti, con "un po' di nucleare. Il Governo dice il 25%, noi con EdF ci prefiggiamo il 12,5%, ma se riusciremo a fare di piu', sara' anche meglio. Quello che serve e' avere la certezza sui tempi, il riconoscimento degli stranded cost - per cui se cambia il Governo e si decide che il nucleare non si fa piu' c'e' bisogno di qualcun altro che paghi per questo, perche' nel frattempo noi abbiamo fatto gli investimenti - e quindi a logic of long-term. "

On the cost side, Conti said that the first unit 'of € 5 billion will be used for the second 4.7 billion, 4.3 billion for the third and fourth 4 billion, for a total of 18 billion euro. Each unit 'expected impact on employment for about 3,500 people. Exit the nuclear plant was "a strategic mistake, politically and economically, with tragic and costly consequences", the return to nuclear power, however, leads the country system "significant socio-economic impact" in terms of competitiveness ', security of supply and climate change, and providing "a strong impetus to employment, training specialist and the university'."

Conti has also made the point about the contribution made by Enel Italy: Enel in the period 1999-2010 has made a contribution estimated at 180 billion € for the development of the country. The manager referred, inter alia, to 34 billion of dividends distributed to over 28 billion in income taxes and social security contributions and about 33 billion arising from the privatization of Enel.

Fulvio Conti has also highlighted the growth of the company, explaining that "we are indebted to allow the proper development." Enel has "used the leverage of debt and how to 'right that is when you are processing operations of this type and we also used the leverage own with the capital increase and that 'was a great success so that the size of the company were more' than doubled. We have a debt ratio of 2.6 times EBITDA and, under most companies' celebrated, that instead of our worst performance "

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Someone had written that Take That were not at all Los Angeles for new studio recordings since Howard was Germany pledged to DJing.
But the day after her night-Park in Wolfsburg on Saturday flew to Los Angeles with Mark.
This article in The Sun today it says its unfortunate mishap to 'California airport on Sunday.
and Mark Howard, who had traveled with Virgin Atlantic, were held for hours in customs for a problem with their visas. Virtually
Howard tried to jump over the ranks of the call because he had mistakenly heard first-class passengers, but in reality the officer had only said "Air France".
In this way he attracted the attention of security to the two who asked for permission to work in USA but they were lacking. This is why it took hours to convince the officers areoportuali who were not there for business.
Even Gary and Jason are located in Los Angeles.
Gary was seen at a restaurant with Ayda and Rob last week, while Jason was seen in Beverly Hills by Piers Morgan (I wrote Monday on his twitter page ).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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When Bonds made the 5%

In 1900, the bonds made on 5% . The amount of the individual title, numbered by hand, was 30 pounds.

Here they were.

He dug up a stall G. Romeo, whom I thank for scanning.

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2011del Bishop Michele Pennisi

Mons. Michele Pennisi
Mons. Michele Pennisi
Cari fratelli e sorelle,
la Quaresima che ci prepara alla Santa Pasqua è per la Chiesa un tempo prezioso e importante, nel quale la Parola di Dio ci fa sperimentare l’amore misericordioso del Padre e ci indica gli impegni della conversione sincera , della preghiera assidua, del digiuno gioioso, della carità operosa.
E’ un periodo nel quale siamo invitati a ravvivare il dono del nostro battesimo, riaffermando che Cristo è il Signore della nostra vita e ad accostarci al sacramento della Riconciliazione, riconfermando il nostro fermo proposito di corrispondere all’amore gratuito di Gesù per essere suoi discepoli. Preparation for baptism has a special meaning for adults who had completed the route catechumenal the first Sunday of Lent will be eligible to receive the next Easter Vigil, the sacraments of Christian initiation. Christian initiation involves the initial announcement of the Gospel, to be kept alive through catechetical catechumenal of inspiration, leading to an increasing awareness of their professed faith and to witness in life. The regeneration of the life of faith should be directed Spiritual Exercises and the pious devotions of their Lenten journey. To awaken Christian communities to the centrality of the Word of God invites the community Church to want to exploit the post-synodal document "Verbum Domini".

One of the main works of Lent and the charity to which should be directed fasting and prayer .. The charity delivers us from the temptation of greed and the lust of possession of worldly goods and educates us to share with others whatever we possess through divine goodness. To this aim this year's Lenten Charity aims to meet the multiple needs of the missionaries of our diocese, including p. John Salerno, whose charitable work I'm going to visit in Peru. I also invite you to support the project to help orphaned children in the diocese of Lwza the Democratic Republic of Congo assisted by the Congregation of the Son of God in our diocese. In this way, inward cleansing is accompanied by a gesture of ecclesial communion, mirroring what already took place in the early Church. While I am grateful to Caritas for detailed work and continued performing through the parish Caritas and the different ecclesial for the needy, I urge everyone to step up the activities and services to respond to those in need and invite all the social forces to work together and promote every kind of help to support families in difficulty and to give hope to our youth. Giving voice to the suffering of many people and in the presence of the tragic perspective that appropriate action can cause a delay in the employment sector, a clear call to all responsible for the public to do everything possible to ensure the work as a source of support for a life consonant with human dignity.

Father rich in mercy fills us with every blessing in the gift of his love so that we may rise with Christ and animated by Christian hope to aspire to eternal happiness.

+ Michele Pennisi

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Women's Day - early 2011

Women's Day.
early 2011

Women's Day. Initiatives 2011.
PIETRAPERZIA. Again this year the steps to "The Woman's Day" starting from the Catholic world. Established the festival that is organized by Catholic parish of Santa Maria, in the front row that sees the new president Cosimo Pergola, very active and respected by all members and priests of the parish. The initiative has included the parish of Culture Club, with its eclectic gynecologist president John Falzone, which will develop the theme "Women and the unity of Italy." In questo contesto verrà presentata la poetessa Maria Antonietta Giarrizzo (1811 -1899) baronessa di Rincione, che sposò il barone di Geracello e che ne prese anche blasone. Il blasone di Rincione alla morte di Maria Antonietta Giarrizzo passò ai Tortorici, che avevano la baronia di Vignagrande.
Il corposo programma sarà coordinato dal presidente di AC Cosimo Pergola, che sarà il matador della serata. Il dottor Giovanni Falzone svilupperà la osannazione della grande giornata, che darà lustro alla sconosciuta poetessa nel contesto dell’unità di Italia per la quale la Giarrizzo compose un sonetto.
Then there is a speech by Dr. Rosa Leonardi, regional vice president of a pro-life movement, which will deliver a keynote on this topic.
Giarrizzo Of the four poems will be read by artists Alessandro Falzone, Vance and John Vitale Culmone. The integration will be done by religious parish priest John Bongiovanni, who oversaw the provision of mimosa as a signification of the homage to women.
This celebration of the day Women's seen so many organizations working to focus the way of women's rights in history. As per tradition, all will end in a convivial form. The Ancescao with its president Joan Monachino Saturday because of the celebration will coincide with the many initiatives of Carnival, which sees many people go outside the country.
A Pietraperzia the day of the woman receives the proper luster, but is still fraught with the way that we can talk about equal rights.
Don Pino Carà

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Raduno Regionale Agesci Protezione Civile.
  Raduno Regionale Agesci Protezione Civile
PIETRAPERZIA. Sabato e domenica si è tenuto il raduno ragionale dell’Agesci Protezione Civile, la cui ospitalità e struttura e stata curata dal gruppo pietrino. Sono stati coinvolti i Rover e Scolte, gruppi maschili e femminili che vanno dai 16 a 21 anni. L’incontro ha avuto un carattere pratico ed è stato sviluppato il tema: Come intervenire nella calamità di un terremoto. La parte didattica è stata curata dal responsabile regionale del gruppo Agesci protezione Civile Nino Lavenia. Tra le varie iniziative sabato notte si è avuta anche la “simulazione di un terremoto” e quindi gli intereventi immediati, fermo restando che chi deve sostenere gli altri deve garantire la propria incolumità. Per la parte operativa si è avuta la collaborazione dei “Capi Scout” che sono: Giuseppe Di Gloria; Simona Bongiovanni, Piero Mazzocchio, Carla Linguanti, Filippo Puzzo, Mariangela Rame e Roger Marù. Il raduno si è tenuto in contrada Rocche che è un sito archeologico, ma che è stato affidato agli Scout locali, dove anche hanno ricavato una functional complex logistics. The scouts slept in a sleeping bag structure, the structure of the Rocca was chosen for the initiatives at regional and national caliber, just why the mayor Enzo Emma has sent his greetings and appreciation.
"It 'was a powerful moment - said Philip Puzzo, scout leader - which serves to temper the character of our young people and at the same time in an anthropological context of great openness towards others, especially those who is in trouble. "
meeting was given the presence of 22 young: Simona Bacchi, Santi bechamel, Federico Leotta, Gemillaro Alba, Leonardo Russo, Stefano Sallemi, Beatrice Carbonaro, Giulio Insolera, Fabrizio Aronica, Andrea La Cara, Elisa Campo, Alberto Boeme, Alice Aiozzo, Andrea Messina, Maria Teresa Sun, Joseph King, Andrea Giardina, Simona Rizzo, John Mullen, Joseph Mirthil, Jade and Julian Vincenzo Rizzo.
Don Pino Carà

Herpes On The Stomach?


It was reported a few days ago the availability of the book YOU KNOW ME web Amazon.italia but in reality those who ordered it was delivered as a book in German!
same discovery for the French fans who bought up Amazon.france
Council then, to avoid unpleasant surprises, wait until April and buy directly from the biography of Italian Feltrinelli HERE at a cost of € 19.00

(thanks to Sami for the alert)

Php Hosting Darmowy Bez Reklam


According to Digital Spy reports today (not a very reliable source , then take the notizia con le pinze ) Robbie avrebbe rifiutato l' offerta di 2 mil. di sterline per far parte della giuria della prossima edizione di X-Factor perchè lo ritiene un compenso troppo basso in proporzione all'impegno che richiede.

Tuttavia Simon Cowell insiste a volere lui al suo posto e anche nell'ambiente tutti pensano che Robbie potrebbe essere indiscutibilmente il sucessore ideale :
 "Testardo, simpatico e divertente ma putroppo al momento l'unico ostacolo sembrano essere i soldi. Vuole un incentivo maggiore per mostrarsi in TV live tutte le settimane. Anche sua moglie è in trattative per partecipare ad un reality show, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, ma non c'è ancora nulla confirmation.
The couple have a son and want to expose themselves to the spotlight could harm their plans to family and peace of mind. Thing which takes a lot Robbie. "

Monday, March 7, 2011

Blurred Vision And Tingling Fingers

THANKS DONNA! March 8, 2011

Thanks woman!
Thank you, woman-mother,
you do womb
of the human joy and pain of
a unique experience that makes you smile of God for the child who comes to light, it makes you guide its first steps , support its growing hub for the next journey of life.
Thank you, women are wives
who join
your fate irrevocably to that of a man, in a relationship of mutual giving, at the service of
love and life.
Thank you,
daughter and woman-woman-sister, leading
the family and then the whole of society the richness of your
sensitivity, your intuitiveness, your generosity and your patience.
Thank you, women who work,
engaged in all spheres of social life,
economic, cultural, artistic, political, for the invaluable contribution that the
developing a culture which unites reason and feeling, a
model of life ever open to the sense of "mystery", the building of
economic structures and policies that are more worthy of humanity.
Thank you, consecrated women,
the example of the greatest women, the Mother of Christ, the Word made flesh, you go with loyalty and obedience love of God, helping the Church and all humanity to live in God 's answer " spousal ', Which magnificently expresses the fellowship which God wishes to establish with his creature.
Thank you, women,
the fact that you're a woman! With the perception that it of your womanhood you enrich the understanding of the world and
contribute to the full truth of human relationships.
the "Letter to Women" by John Paul II
Close to Women's Day we want to kneel before the Lord to worship him and to listen to him the cry of women still suffer violence and abuse. We want to pray for them because now we worship the Lord will extend his rule over all mankind and reign in every heart for the salvation and liberation of every woman and every man .
to you, O Lady,
that you respect and dignity for yourself.
Don Pino Carà