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Friday, March 11, 2011
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The labor market
talk about the labor market means in most of the time fall into a long list of problems, usually the opposite, depending on whether you look at the side of the employee or the employer's side.
But I want to analyze the issue from a purely fiscal point of view, also trying to provide some interesting solutions.
First we start from a given: the cost of an employee in the company? Let
- ignore some specific sectors such as construction or agriculture
- all the costs, including IRAP, which we know has a direct impact on the cost labor, since that is not deductible in the tax base, INAIL, the additional municipal and regional authorities, the TFR.
However the results are as follows:
1. the employee will net paycheck € 1,200 per month for 13 months, then € 15,600 per year.
2. The cost for a corporate employee is equal to € 31,240
E 'is quite clear that the gap is simply too large: the employee gets too little and too expensive to the employer.
This has the following effects:
1. At a time when I hire an employee, employer, will the calculations on the employee's performance starting with the cost labor, then an employee than it costs € 30,000 a year will be an employee already qualified, serious and safe custody. Conversely for the employee € 1,200 per month will be a pitiful wage, and then you feel underpaid!
2. Employees will not have disposable income to spend, in fact, with € 1,200 per month with a rent or a mortgage to pay, there's nothing left to "run the economy." To put a slogan. It happens to the low growth of Italy in the last 15 years is due largely to weak domestic demand. But as can be strong domestic demand to employees if there is nothing left to spend?
3. How can you blame an employer if an employee instead of hiring him to do the same skilled work (!?) giving € 2000 per month (plus VAT), making him open the VAT? The employee is happier because he has more money in his pocket and he deducts all and save!
4. Some work in Italy can no longer do because it uneconomic. And here are not talking about Chinese competition to 400 € a month, but Let us realize that a U.S. worker is cheaper than an Italian one.
So what to do?
I can venture a few hypotheses:
1. If you want to keep certain warranties, so the same salary level that will provide the same pension, not si possono toccare i contributi versati, a meno che non sia lo stato stesso, per scelta politica, a versarne una parte. Una soluzione potrebbe essere introdurre degli sgravi contributivi, come succede attualmente con i contratti di apprendistato, facendo in modo che una parte dei contributi li versi lo stato, in particolar modo quelli a carico del datore di lavoro (circa il 9%). Attualmente l’agevolazione dei contratti di apprendistato dura 3 anni e fino all’età di 26-28 anni. Però se fossero estesi ad esempio per 10 anni, e per lavori qualificati, allora, dopo 10 anni per il datore di lavoro sarebbe altamente antieconomico liberarsi di un dipendente per far posto ad un altro da addestrare da zero.
E’ ovvio che tale agevolazione should not apply to workers with low skills.
2. Reduce taxes on labor and increase it on the autonomous, so that it is cheaper to hire an employee to use a professional or a craftsman with a VAT. This would be strong against tax evasion, because employees can not escape (or at least evade very little ...). Furthermore, decreasing the number of VAT is likely to increase checks on everyone else. This should be coupled with reform of business taxation, introducing a "tax on companies' special. In fact, today the company of people pay IRAP and IRE members, not all pay the IRES.
3. Eliminate the possibility of working members: all members of all societies must be employed for the same reason above.
4. Reduce taxation in general, in order to decrease the difference between labor costs and payroll received by the worker.
The reform does not please everyone: self-employed and professionals would be disadvantaged and companies with employees would be benefited. But these choices would be purely political.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Conti said this morning (I attach at the bottom of the statements made by that if all goes well (and it is doubtful) the first nuclear power plant becomes operational in 2020. Enel aims to build 4 in collaboration with France's EDF and, against an expenditure of 18 billion, to create 3500 jobs for each central . All of then with strong socio-economic impact on the climate (nuclear power plants do not produce CO 2 ), research and development, etc. (the full statement found in the country).
In Finland, Olkiluoto (see here) , the central building, similar to those perviste in Italy, will cost 50% more than expected ( 1.7 billion more than the € 3, € 2 billion set by the contract) and a delay of 3 years after 3 years of work . We therefore believe that it will build the first nuclear power plant in 2020 and the estimated cost?
And what are the important consequences for Italy? Enel and the government figures seem to shoot at random on the role of nuclear power. For the government aims to cover 25% of the electricity needs for the Enel half.
If he is right and if Enel-to-energy hypothesis nuclear power would cost one third less than the average of the other forms of energy, the discount on the bills would be 5%. Between 15-20 years, when plants come into operation.
So the statements of accounts make you smile. Anyone who knows economics knows that it is very difficult to predict such long-term, especially in a sector like power generation where technology can change everything in a short time .
Over the next 20 years will be amended existing plants, new technologies will arrive that will reduce consumption of oil or coal for the same energy and develop new technologies that produce alternative energy and more efficient.
What accounts seems a tricky spot , such as the nuclear forum recently rejected by the Code of Advertising Practice (see here) , drawn up without any knowledge economy.
"On nuclear we are not out of time, our engineers are continuing to work." It says to. D. Enel, Fulvio Conti, speaking in the House hearing.
"If this year will be 'completed the administrative part and was able to have full functionality' Agency for Nuclear Safety, said Conti-will 'still possible to have the first centrale entro il 2020, come previsto". Per rispettare l'obiettivo 2020, ha aggiunto Conti, "entro il prossimo anno dovrebbe partire il processo di richiesta delle autorizzazioni per i siti".
Quello che serve all'Italia, ha aggiunto ancora Conti, e' un mix bilanciato di fonti, con "un po' di nucleare. Il Governo dice il 25%, noi con EdF ci prefiggiamo il 12,5%, ma se riusciremo a fare di piu', sara' anche meglio. Quello che serve e' avere la certezza sui tempi, il riconoscimento degli stranded cost - per cui se cambia il Governo e si decide che il nucleare non si fa piu' c'e' bisogno di qualcun altro che paghi per questo, perche' nel frattempo noi abbiamo fatto gli investimenti - e quindi a logic of long-term. "
On the cost side, Conti said that the first unit 'of € 5 billion will be used for the second 4.7 billion, 4.3 billion for the third and fourth 4 billion, for a total of 18 billion euro. Each unit 'expected impact on employment for about 3,500 people. Exit the nuclear plant was "a strategic mistake, politically and economically, with tragic and costly consequences", the return to nuclear power, however, leads the country system "significant socio-economic impact" in terms of competitiveness ', security of supply and climate change, and providing "a strong impetus to employment, training specialist and the university'."
Conti has also made the point about the contribution made by Enel Italy: Enel in the period 1999-2010 has made a contribution estimated at 180 billion € for the development of the country. The manager referred, inter alia, to 34 billion of dividends distributed to over 28 billion in income taxes and social security contributions and about 33 billion arising from the privatization of Enel.
Fulvio Conti has also highlighted the growth of the company, explaining that "we are indebted to allow the proper development." Enel has "used the leverage of debt and how to 'right that is when you are processing operations of this type and we also used the leverage own with the capital increase and that 'was a great success so that the size of the company were more' than doubled. We have a debt ratio of 2.6 times EBITDA and, under most companies' celebrated, that instead of our worst performance "Air Filters For Yeast
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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