Thursday, March 10, 2011

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The country mourns two famous men

PIETRAPERZIA. The country cries these days, two famous men who have brought high the torch of community: the lawyer and Professor Philip Siciliano Giuseppe Nicoletti. Both mayors have served as the municipality for five years from 1956 to 1961. Came to power the lawyer Philip Siciliano under the auspices of the Christian Democrats in 1959 and then took his place Professor Giuseppe Nicoletti. The community remembers them for their service dimension and the respect of human dignity. The town was the birthplace of both; have managed a sindacatura in a course of time and returned to the Father's house after four days. Philip Siciliano was 88 years, while Peppino Nicoletti 82. In the social fabric were two giants who are the pride of the country that gave them birth. Philip Siciliano, criminal, prince of the Bar of Caltanissetta, where the size of the profession gives him international fame, he held positions within the order locally, regionally and nationally. His funeral was held in the Cathedral of Caltanissetta, in the presence of numerous magistrati e colleghi ed il sacro rito è stato presieduto dal nipote don Giuseppe Di Rocco. Il mondo cattolico pietrino lo ricorda anche per il suo discorso celebrativo per il 750° del ritrovamento dell’immagine di Maria SS. della Cava, nostra patrona. Di elevata sensibilità al bello pubblicò un florilegio di liriche che distribuì con dedica a noi numerosissimi amici.

Il professor Giuseppe Nicoletti, fu docente per 40 anni e diede formazione umana e culturale nelle scuole di stato. Per 38 anni è stato presidente per il banco di credito “La Concordia” e per sette anni vice presidente della “Concordia – San Michele”. I suoi funerali si sono svolti nella Mother Church and were chaired by Don and Don Giuseppe Pino Rabita Carà homily and was remembered as a man "mild". The two funerals this the municipal administration of Emma Enzo with Banner of the municipality.
we asked Raffaella A memory and Rosalie, their daughters and few of these great men. Raffaella Sicilian father turned to say: 'Your deep thought and bright, your mind right, kind and courageous will be our guide and our pride. "
Rosario Nicoletti says sadly: "A few days after the death of my father, the grief is comforted by the affection shown by those who knew him. Educators in schools of several generations of students, director of the Credit Bank, has always operated with integrity, commitment and dedication. Its human solidarity and the ability to listen to people's needs have meant it to be respected and appreciated by many. The void he leaves, then, is not felt only by our familiar, but also by many of our fellow citizens. "


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