Friday, March 4, 2011

Gila River Obhl License #

UNINFORMED NO PAIN, I learned to assist the UNHAPPY

"not oblivious to evil, miseris succurre disc "
"not oblivious to evil, miseris succurre album"
not unaware of the pain,

I learned to succor the unfortunate.
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Magistral lesson about the suffering of Nicole
Don Pino
This phrase comes from the Latin '"Aeneid" of Virgil and consists of the words addressed to Aeneas Dido, which shipwrecked off the coast of Africa, calls for help and hospitality.

Queen claims to know pain and this is the key to understanding and interpretation.

She has experienced the tragedy of 'killing of her husband for political reasons and the pain experienced firsthand causes it to see an unhappy Enea.

Only those who have experienced great suffering, both physical and moral, becomes sensitive to the pain and the needs of others, empathy and solidarity. The sufferings and pains exacerbated the 'emotional as they dig deep in my heart, change the way you think and make people more open to those who are in difficulty and trial. It is a form of understanding and brotherhood that stems from a personal experience of pain.

suffering as a school of life as it destroys, annihilates, removes all of joy ' esistenza ma è anche un crogiuolo dove ci si tempra e si rinforza.

“Perché la sofferenza? Perché la malattia? Perché la morte?”

Ogni essere umano nel corso della sua vita è obbligato a porsi queste domande.

Se ci limitiamo ad essere spettatori delle sofferenze degli altri e siamo troppo presi ad occuparci solo del nostro benessere, potremmo rispondere facilmente e in modo superficiale che la sofferenza fa parte della vita, che il mondo è fatto così.....

But when we do the direct experience of suffering or because we are sick or because the illness and death affect our dearest affections, then we are in crisis, we can no longer remain indifferent and superficial, but we are forced to give a more serious and profound, if we do not want to be prey to despair.

is why very often a dormant faith awakens and is reborn on account of suffering.

How to explain the pain that hits you suddenly without the light of faith?
suffering, sickness, death are contrary to human nature, which was created by God not to suffer but to be happy, not to die, but for eternal life.

E 'difficult, however, let these words of comfort when we suffer, when you know you have a serious disease and one has to undergo a grueling treatment with little hope of recovery. Instead, it is easy to ask, "Why me? What have I done wrong? For the Lord has sent me this suffering? ".

We are also able to say that God is unjust because it allows that there are many injustices in the world and that many innocent people, especially children, suffer in an inhumane way because of hunger, war, poverty and disease and also to send us the suffering that we do not deserve, because we have not done anything wrong. But God is not aloof from the sky suffering humanity, but sent His Son Jesus Christ to share with people suffering and even death. No one more than God can understand all of our smaller and no more suffering of God is close to us in our beds of pain when there is no hope and only death awaits us, because He himself per mezzo di Gesù Cristo ha sofferto .

Dio è un Padre buono e non ci punisce, ma ci ama in un modo così straordinario che noi non riusciamo a concepire.

Dio ama tutti senza distinzioni: i santi e i peccatori per Lui sono ugualmente amabili. Il Signore non vuole la nostra sofferenza, ma questa è una condizione a cui l’uomo è obbligato a sottostare perché il peccato e la morte , che non vengono certo da Dio, ma dal maligno , hanno corrotto la perfezione della creazione.

Ma siamo chiamati alla Speranza! Gesù Cristo che ha condiviso in tutto e per tutto la nostra condizione umana, tranne che nel peccato, attraverso la sua morte, ha vinto definitivamente la morte con la sua gloriosa Resurrezione, aprendoci le porte dell’eternità.

Ecco che allora ogni sofferenza umana vista alla luce della Fede acquista un valore inestimabile, perché associata alla sofferenza redentrice di Cristo. In ogni persona che soffre e quindi in ogni ammalato è presente Cristo.

Dobbiamo rispettare, amare, contemplare chi ha il volto sfigurato dalla sofferenza perché in quel volto si nasconde l’effige di Cristo Crucified.

Nicoletta Grandma


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