"Mendacem memorem them expedient"
E 'requires that the liar
have good memory
Anthropologist Nicoletta Grandma
"Mendacem memorem them expedient"
E ' necessary that the liar
have good memory
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Urge a crusade in favor of openness.
God is truth
Don Pino
This aphorism, both serious and humorous, it touches the focal points of personality and behavior of men. Concerns the sphere of 'individuality and the psyche. All lies, say for several reasons. Those who claim to speak the truth 'is not sincere. Lying is an 'art that is learned about three years when the child is able to imagine what other people think. For the first time choose to tell a lie to avoid punishment. During adolescence, however, the lie is useful to protect the sense of self. In adulthood, one must distinguish between the sporadic and chronic liar liar. For this latter the lie becomes a "disease". If you lose completely contact with reality, you end up really believing the lies that are told and can not be more help but say, in this case are pathological.
Telling lies continually triggers a vicious circle, an 'escalation bigger and bigger lies to cover previous stress for fear of being discovered, needs to have a' good memory for keeping the accounts "of lies . Alexander Pope claimed that "an excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie , because the excuse is a lie guarded."
Let us analyze the various reasons why you tell lies: for education and sensitivity to hurt others, especially children to gratify, for a purpose that is for utilitarisico not complete a task or assignment, not to discover something that someone could be painful, to save disappointment.
Who says this kind of lies wants to control the other person. Liar for a good person has a poor person's confidence and its ability 'to face reality even if it is not' positive (and 'devaluation of the other)
Actually' you tell lies for a good purpose does it to protect himself and why 'at the bottom is afraid of the reaction of the listener, to ruin a relationship, not being able to manage their own emotions and those of the other person.
The lies are part of our strategy to be liars sopravvivenza.A times with some people we can be honest with others. addition there is the 'omission is not a real lie, but you hide the truth or part of it. In our social system be fair not to say the truth in every circumstance and at any cost.
Nicoletta Nonna
Jesus Christus, heri et hodie, ipse est in saecula!
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