battered and full of holes the way of the shrine of Montserrat.
The church of Our Lady of Montserrat
PIETRAPERZIA. Battered and full of holes the road that leads to the shrine of Montserrat and the Musala district, where there is a sulfur mine off. The street light by the only part of the country through the district of Serres, where it has been reconstructed graceful church by a private citizen and devotee of the Virgin Mary who wanted to restore the ancient church dedicated to the Virgin which once existed in that area. This road and the other leading to the Shrine of the Quarry are of great importance for the flint and community service are many farmers who live in the area.
The church of Montserrat was opened for worship on July 31, 2005 with a religious ceremony by Bishop Michele Pennisi. This church falls under the jurisdiction of the parish priest of Santa Maria Don Giovanni Bongiovanni.
The sacred image of Our Lady of Montserrat Contrada Serre and the church were of the same name taken into care by the Benedictine monks who hid it to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Saracens when they came to Pietraperzia flints and burnt all the houses and the same city of Petra. "
was that the ancient tradition of painting that gave its name to the Church, had been found near the same church. Beneath it were the crypts, thus artificially carved and placed, that those who saw he could not fail to recognize the shelter of the first Christians Pietraperzia
For many miracles for the faithful of the Madonna, flocked from all around the country particularly pregnant women and for the protection of unborn child.
When the English King Philip II (1527-1598) son of Charles V, ordered that in each country to dedicate a church to Our Lady of Montserrat, to whom he was deeply devoted (Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat in Catalonia), the people chose the Petrine church of Serre. This shows what a great account in the church was held in the past.
Our Lady of Montserrat was celebrated on the first day after the Passover holiday or the day of Easter, demonstrating once again the importance of Christianity in that it covered a stone, so to use that place and that Church to give joy and happiness agli animi depressi e tristi dalla passione di Cristo durante la settimana santa. Divenne usanza che nella tradizionale giornata di allegria agreste della pasquetta si passasse dalla chiesa per dire una preghiera.
Dopo una lunga e gloriosa storia, la Chiesa rurale del Monserrato di Pietraperzia, subì verso la metà del 1800 un abbandono per la mancanza di custodia e per le grandi difficoltà dell’accesso, soprattutto in periodo invernale, attraverso la strada che si inerpicava lungo le pendici della collina detta delle Serre appunto in riferimento alla Chiesa del Monserrato che in essa si elevava.
Don Pino Carà
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