Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cheap Metal Cores For Scooters

ROBBIE WILLIAMS - OUR MOST BRILLIANT POP STAR The official website has been an 'interview with Alex Bilmes, a music journalist and publisher of Esquire Magazine.
Alex also wrote the preface for the re-edzioni albums of Robbie and interviewed him for GQ in 2009.
Here is a summary of the interview translated into Italian.

"The first time I met Robbie Williams was in 1994 in a night club. He was in Take That and very popular right now. I was just a student of twenty-one. I remember that we chatted and proved exactly what is funny and crazy .... It's been 15 years before we met again.
If I had to describe it in five words?
Our Most brilliant pop star (the most brilliant pop stars we have).
I have all the albums of Robbie. I've heard several times and the great thing is that if you listen to when you grew up, while remaining the same, may take an entirely different meaning depending on the road that took your life.
Pop star of that caliber do not happen often in the music scene. Brilliant and mysterious. Watching his videos is as if one part playing the role of the pop star but at the same time the criticism.
It 's also a very funny person and does not take itself too seriously. And this aspect is really raro in una pop star.
La canzone che preferisco di Robbie è Come Undone. Bè ho detto che non si prende troppo sul serio e poi se ne esce con una canzone come questa ! ..pungente, onesta ...spietato con se stesso.
E' un modo fantastico di essere. Altrimenti sarebbe tutto una finzione."


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