fact Romans is willing to drastically reduce the incentives for renewable energy.
Producing energy with solar panels or wind turbines should, thanks to incentives .
The same happened with nuclear energy. For nuclear energy to digest the toad were studied economic incentives and rules that forbade local governments to hinder the construction of power plants.
The referendum on nuclear swept away incentives and restrictive rules, and with them the power. But the technology now offers wind turbines, solar panels and other ways to produce renewable energy, mentre gli accordi internazionali e le regole nazionali prevedono disincentivi economici a carico di chi inquina e incentivi a vantaggio di chi produce energia pulita.
Romani vorrebbe capovolgere tutto questo, tagliando gli incentivi alle rinnovabili, con la scusa che l'Italia raggiungerà nel 2011 l'obiettivo di 8.000 megawatt previsto per il 2020, mettendo a rischio 120.000 posti di lavoro , mentre costruzione di centrali nucleari, che se va bene avverrà tra molti anni, con costi elevati per la collettività e non produrrà alcun vantaggio immediato sulle bollette energetiche, assomiglia a una faccenda militare, col governo che impone e nessuno che può opporsi.
Le scelte di Romani have had, for now, the desired effect: the present legislative decree opens the decisions on incentives. 120,000 seats are safe, at least until June. Certainly it is curious
a government in a crisis threatens 120,000 jobs to stimulate the construction of nuclear plants, if all goes well, will take place in a few years.
Even more curious when you consider that the energy sector runs like few others and agree that renewable energy, as told by the energy expert of the Republic (see here) . According to research it in the face of incentives amounting to 6.6 billion in 30 years, the cost for producing carbon dioxide are more than double, passing 14 billion. To these we must add the lack of cost alone accounts for almost half the amount spent on incentives.
short, Romania wants to go back to Italy to nuclear , risking a growing sector, removing incentives and burden the budget of any of us can avoid that expense.
was better when the Minister of Economic Development had undertaken to procure girls for the bunga-bunga and did not think an old model of economic development. Like him.
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