Friday, March 11, 2011

Sunquest Outdoor Carpet

the Confraternity to meet the Bishop Pennisi

Pontifical of Bishop
Gov. Michael Crow
of the Precious Blood
Meeting of the brotherhoods
PIETRAPERZIA. Bishop Michele Pennisi met Saturday, March 5, 2011, the local confraternities in the mother church with the celebration of a liturgical rite. In town there are three fraternities: Maria SS. Help with the governor Joseph Maddalena, with the Precious Blood of Our Governor Michael Crow and the governor which is Rocchina Scalieri. The three fraternities maintain the rituals of Holy Week, Easter Sunday and the procession of Corpus Christi. The comp is around 266, the largest is the female which has 120 sisters, those of Relief are 84, while those of the Precious Blood are 62.
"Today the three fraternities - said the governor Joseph Maddalena, in greeting the bishop - continues in the spiritual formation of their comp, not to mention to promote any initiative to preserve the rich heritage of faith and culture which the brotherhoods are still owners. We like to recall that thanks to the Brotherhood of SS. of Relief, has been restored "The Ladata" can laudatari talented. We know that we lack the comfort of your Excellency for all initiatives aimed at spiritual growth of the comp. but we are keen to get some advice in order to bring new generations with the spirit and the world of fraternities.
homily Bishop Michele Pennisi, inter alia, ha affermato: “Le Confraternite non sono semplici società di mutuo soccorso oppure associazioni filantropiche, ma un insieme di fratelli che, volendo vivere il Vangelo nella consapevolezza di essere parte viva della Chiesa, si propongono di mettere in pratica il comandamento dell’amore, che spinge ad aprire il cuore agli altri, particolarmente a chi si trova in difficoltà”.
“Ogni confraternita - ha concluso il presule - è chiamata ad essere esperienza di fede perché: crea comunione nella dispersione, mostra coraggio nel qualunquismo, offre solidarietà nell’individualismo, stabilisce mete nella confusione, fa carità mentre impera l’egoismo, rende vivi nelle temptations of death, creates a dangerous trapeze net of life, brings the saints to bring to God, offers a novitiate in a world of improvisation, leads a suit because he is not ashamed of the faith, raising a banner to give glory to God chooses as a patron saint to follow their examples, have a home in the Church to hold a welcoming home for everyone, brothers look to beat the loneliness, he participated in processions to train the final procession to the heavenly Jerusalem. "
Don Pino Carà


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