Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Semiannual Report Enzo Emma
Municipal Council
Semiannual Report Enzo Emma
tn City Council
PIETRAPERZIA. The last time the supreme council was when the president Giusa gave the floor to the citizen for the first half-year report.

The cardiologist Enzo Emma so he began: "This report was created to request a full information of the administrative life is to this noble assembly and citizenship to which a copy was distributed widespread and in many cases I have had the pleased to deliver personally, because the base of my administrative life there is a relationship with the community, while not missing the timeliness and decisions. "

The text read by the Mayor Emma has 15 pages and shows a dynamic administration, which sees the mayor committed H24.

premise of his talent which reads: "Dear fellow citizens just six months since my inauguration, I have the pleasure of getting to know all the work that I and my administration, we completed. Immediately we were hit by an avalanche of work screams. È evidente a tutti il momento di crisi, nazionale e regionale, che stiamo attraversando e che sicuramente non ci facilita. Io e la mia squadra, però, grazie all’entusiasmo che ci ha contraddistinto sin dalla campagna elettorale, siamo riusciti a realizzare molti punti del nostro programma. senza farci scoraggiare da chi cerca di insinuare maldicenze sulla nostra attività. Vi assicuro che ogni decisione è ben ponderata e finalizzata al raggiungimento degli obiettivi fissati, che hanno due prerogative: far rinascere l’economia del nostro paese e restituire ad ogni cittadino la sua dignità lavorativa, con la creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro. In proposito, in questi sei mesi abbiamo realizzato molti projects in various sectors, I feel that having to explain. "

Mayor-point highlight of his administration?

have certainly been stabilized indefinitely penavano 26 workers for 15 years we have also increased considerably the number of hours per week. "

The six months of Enzo says Councillor Emma Ing. Francesca falls were very fruitful, both directors, as the people made a lot of things unknown by Dr. Enzo Emma. "

Don Pino Carà


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