Mons. Michele Pennisi
Cari fratelli e sorelle,
la Quaresima che ci prepara alla Santa Pasqua è per la Chiesa un tempo prezioso e importante, nel quale la Parola di Dio ci fa sperimentare l’amore misericordioso del Padre e ci indica gli impegni della conversione sincera , della preghiera assidua, del digiuno gioioso, della carità operosa.
E’ un periodo nel quale siamo invitati a ravvivare il dono del nostro battesimo, riaffermando che Cristo è il Signore della nostra vita e ad accostarci al sacramento della Riconciliazione, riconfermando il nostro fermo proposito di corrispondere all’amore gratuito di Gesù per essere suoi discepoli. Preparation for baptism has a special meaning for adults who had completed the route catechumenal the first Sunday of Lent will be eligible to receive the next Easter Vigil, the sacraments of Christian initiation. Christian initiation involves the initial announcement of the Gospel, to be kept alive through catechetical catechumenal of inspiration, leading to an increasing awareness of their professed faith and to witness in life. The regeneration of the life of faith should be directed Spiritual Exercises and the pious devotions of their Lenten journey. To awaken Christian communities to the centrality of the Word of God invites the community Church to want to exploit the post-synodal document "Verbum Domini".
One of the main works of Lent and the charity to which should be directed fasting and prayer .. The charity delivers us from the temptation of greed and the lust of possession of worldly goods and educates us to share with others whatever we possess through divine goodness. To this aim this year's Lenten Charity aims to meet the multiple needs of the missionaries of our diocese, including p. John Salerno, whose charitable work I'm going to visit in Peru. I also invite you to support the project to help orphaned children in the diocese of Lwza the Democratic Republic of Congo assisted by the Congregation of the Son of God in our diocese. In this way, inward cleansing is accompanied by a gesture of ecclesial communion, mirroring what already took place in the early Church. While I am grateful to Caritas for detailed work and continued performing through the parish Caritas and the different ecclesial for the needy, I urge everyone to step up the activities and services to respond to those in need and invite all the social forces to work together and promote every kind of help to support families in difficulty and to give hope to our youth. Giving voice to the suffering of many people and in the presence of the tragic perspective that appropriate action can cause a delay in the employment sector, a clear call to all responsible for the public to do everything possible to ensure the work as a source of support for a life consonant with human dignity.
Father rich in mercy fills us with every blessing in the gift of his love so that we may rise with Christ and animated by Christian hope to aspire to eternal happiness.
+ Michele Pennisi
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