Lent is to meet Jesus

Lent is a journey not so much in a large law be observed, but rather the very person of Jesus to meet, to be accepted, to be followed, in the rediscovery of the baptismal link.
Lent is a journey, that rises to accompany Jesus to Jerusalem, site of the fulfillment of the mystery of his passion, death and resurrection.
This journey of faith reminds us that the Christian life is a way to go to the school of Jesus, who tells us: "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me ". P er which the man, who died to sin, is given a share of new life in the Risen Christ. " A journey that, according to ancient Christian tradition, accompanied the catechumens and today is made from its current liturgy of the five Sundays of Lent. L and traditional practices of this important season of the Church are: fasting, almsgiving and prayer.
Fasting is not only abstinence from food, but also covers other forms of deprivation for a more sober life, outward sign of an inner reality, of our efforts, with the help of God, to abstain from evil and living the Gospel.
almsgiving, however, is not just the rich and wealthy, but also those of modest and poor, because so unequal in fortune, they can all be equal feelings of devotion of the soul.
Prayer, then, is one of humility and charity, fasting and nell'elemosina, in temperance and forgiveness of injuries, giving cose buone e non restituendo quelle cattive.
Don Pino Carà
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