Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wendy Calio Biography

prayer to Jesus' mercy

prayer to Jesus' mercy
of the Holy Pope John Paul II

merciful Jesus
delel the urn remains of Sister Faustina
( Krakow)
We bless you, Holy Father: In your great love for mankind, as the Saviour of the world have sent your Son, made man in the womb of the Virgin Most Pure.
In Christ, meek and humble of heart You have given us the image of your infinite mercy.
contemplating his face we see your goodness, getting out of His mouth the words of life, we fill with your wisdom, discovering the unfathomable depths of His heart to learn kindness and gentleness, rejoicing in the resurrection, anticipating the joy of Easter eternal.
Grant, O Father, that your faithful, honoring this sacred image, have the same sentiments of Christ Jesus, and become operator of harmony and peace.
your Son, Father, for all of us the truth that enlightens us, the life that feeds us and renews us, the light that illuminates the path, the path that brings us to you to sing in Thy eternal mercy.
He lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.
( Prayer recited by Pope John Paul II April 23, 1995, at the "Divine Mercy Sunday ' in the Church of the Holy Spirit in Sassia.)


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