Monday, March 7, 2011

Blurred Vision And Tingling Fingers

THANKS DONNA! March 8, 2011

Thanks woman!
Thank you, woman-mother,
you do womb
of the human joy and pain of
a unique experience that makes you smile of God for the child who comes to light, it makes you guide its first steps , support its growing hub for the next journey of life.
Thank you, women are wives
who join
your fate irrevocably to that of a man, in a relationship of mutual giving, at the service of
love and life.
Thank you,
daughter and woman-woman-sister, leading
the family and then the whole of society the richness of your
sensitivity, your intuitiveness, your generosity and your patience.
Thank you, women who work,
engaged in all spheres of social life,
economic, cultural, artistic, political, for the invaluable contribution that the
developing a culture which unites reason and feeling, a
model of life ever open to the sense of "mystery", the building of
economic structures and policies that are more worthy of humanity.
Thank you, consecrated women,
the example of the greatest women, the Mother of Christ, the Word made flesh, you go with loyalty and obedience love of God, helping the Church and all humanity to live in God 's answer " spousal ', Which magnificently expresses the fellowship which God wishes to establish with his creature.
Thank you, women,
the fact that you're a woman! With the perception that it of your womanhood you enrich the understanding of the world and
contribute to the full truth of human relationships.
the "Letter to Women" by John Paul II
Close to Women's Day we want to kneel before the Lord to worship him and to listen to him the cry of women still suffer violence and abuse. We want to pray for them because now we worship the Lord will extend his rule over all mankind and reign in every heart for the salvation and liberation of every woman and every man .
to you, O Lady,
that you respect and dignity for yourself.
Don Pino Carà


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