Saturday, March 5, 2011

Consumer Report On Steam Mops


A school of journalism:
the interview. VB Marconi
The ins. Mariella Vinci and the pupils of VB
A school of journalism:
the interview. VB Marconi
PIETRAPERZIA. The variety of educational initiatives including the institution "Vincent Guarnaccia" found space "The newspaper in class." The boys of the fifth section. "B" primary school teacher Mariella Vinci guided, highly talented education have studied "The journalistic interview" on two different days and have had training support as the historian Salvatore Monaco and our collaborator Don Pino dear, from thirty years working with our head. The two meetings were un carattere pragmatico finalizzato ad un articolo su “Dorotea Barresi”, pietrina che fu vice regina di Napoli. Sulla famiglia Barresi in Sicilia, Totò La Manica ha pubblico un testo che ha avuto grande ridondanza a livello editoriale. Dopo alcune nozioni di carattere generale sul giornalismo e sui giornalisti è iniziato il lavoro corale da parte dei venti ragazzi, che, grazie all’insegnante Mariella Vinci, hanno dimostrato talento nello strutturare il lavoro che sarà pubblicato nella pagina che la scuola sta preparando per il nostro giornale.

I ragazzi hanno inserito Dorotea Barresi nel contesto anche della storia dell’antico maniero medioevale e nello stesso time developed a reflection on Dorothy Barresi and the role of women today. Dorothy lived between 1520 and 1590 was the inspiration of the cultural movement that inspired the castle Barresi, because Pietraperzia had a flourishing cultural period as the "Madrigal", a musical movement friendly, was born in the castle of Pietraperzia and then gave birth to the other movements that this derivation. Also in the interview the boys thought to reflect on the achievements of women in the time and the role played by the great Dorothy woman that transcends time and is becoming increasingly topical. The winds are budding journalists: Ivan Aiello, Federica Aiozzo, Salvatore Biondo, Giuseppe Caffo, Federica Di Cataldo, Joseph Falzone, Daniela Giunta, David Librizzi, Altea Lombardo Dana Lombardo, Lorina Costanza, Mary Monachino, Sofia Palascino, Picciche Filippo, Salvatore Raspa, Richard Scaletta, Vincenzo Sciarrino, Rosario Similia, Eniko Spampinato Spampinato and Isabella.


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