Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Alpine Xl Travel Trailer

Women's Day - early 2011

Women's Day.
early 2011

Women's Day. Initiatives 2011.
PIETRAPERZIA. Again this year the steps to "The Woman's Day" starting from the Catholic world. Established the festival that is organized by Catholic parish of Santa Maria, in the front row that sees the new president Cosimo Pergola, very active and respected by all members and priests of the parish. The initiative has included the parish of Culture Club, with its eclectic gynecologist president John Falzone, which will develop the theme "Women and the unity of Italy." In questo contesto verrà presentata la poetessa Maria Antonietta Giarrizzo (1811 -1899) baronessa di Rincione, che sposò il barone di Geracello e che ne prese anche blasone. Il blasone di Rincione alla morte di Maria Antonietta Giarrizzo passò ai Tortorici, che avevano la baronia di Vignagrande.
Il corposo programma sarà coordinato dal presidente di AC Cosimo Pergola, che sarà il matador della serata. Il dottor Giovanni Falzone svilupperà la osannazione della grande giornata, che darà lustro alla sconosciuta poetessa nel contesto dell’unità di Italia per la quale la Giarrizzo compose un sonetto.
Then there is a speech by Dr. Rosa Leonardi, regional vice president of a pro-life movement, which will deliver a keynote on this topic.
Giarrizzo Of the four poems will be read by artists Alessandro Falzone, Vance and John Vitale Culmone. The integration will be done by religious parish priest John Bongiovanni, who oversaw the provision of mimosa as a signification of the homage to women.
This celebration of the day Women's seen so many organizations working to focus the way of women's rights in history. As per tradition, all will end in a convivial form. The Ancescao with its president Joan Monachino Saturday because of the celebration will coincide with the many initiatives of Carnival, which sees many people go outside the country.
A Pietraperzia the day of the woman receives the proper luster, but is still fraught with the way that we can talk about equal rights.
Don Pino Carà


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