Friday, March 4, 2011

Congratulate With Baby


January 25, 2011
Barrile John and his team
The release of a thousand accidents

The release trap

The release is cut off.

PIETRAPERZIA. The Secretary of the Democratic Party and John Barrile Board of the Democratic Party have affected the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party and the Provincial Council, on the release of the expressway Pietraperzia - Caltanissetta and road Pietraperzia - Ponte Besaro and Balate. In documento congiunto (direttivo e segretario) si legge: “Gentile consigliere e segretario Pd Mario Alloro, la SS 640 Raccordo rappresenta per Pietraperzia un’arteria stradale di primaria importanza poiché la collega, assieme ad altri centri della provincia di Enna (Piazza Armerina, Barrafranca), con Caltanissetta, l’autostrada A19, la scorrimento veloce Caltanissetta - Gela e la scorrimento veloce Caltanissetta Agrigento. In prossimità dell’imbocco della suddetta strada, vi è un cedimento del suolo sottostante il quale ha causato un restringimento notevole della carreggiata ed il venir meno delle rampe di accesso allo svincolo. Tale situazione causa disagi notevoli alla circolazione stradale mettendo in serio pericolo l’incolumità of motorists. No less crucial is to be Pietraperzia Pietraperzia the SP 96 - SP 109 and the Bridge Besaro Pietraperzia - Balate - Mandreforte - Piano Sinopoli, since the former is an alternative road to reach Caltanissetta and to meet the farmers of several plots of land (located Minniti in the districts and Caprara), while the latter is of primary importance because it leads revealed in the archaeological zone Krastos - Tornabè. The previous city administration had agreed with representatives of the provincial government of President Joseph Monaco, three-year plan to include in the provincial public works together with the completion of that release to the accommodation and modernization Pietraperzia of SP-96 and SP 109 Bridge Besaro Pietraperzia - Balate - Mandreforte - Piano Sinopoli.
hereby request your assistance to the President of the province to the provincial road network and Alderman Joseph Monaco Ing Antonio Alvano, they decide on the matter and inform the citizens of each of the ITER Pietraperzia and hope that the competent bodies within the institution province, takes action promptly to the ultimate resolution of the problem and start work.
Otherwise we will be forced to turn to courts as the failure to complete the release and failure accommodation of SP 96 and 109, thereby seriously jeopardizing the safety of passers-by also the citizens of Pietraperzia manifest before the building of the Province to protect and defend its own sacred right, which to have safe streets and efficient. "
Don Pino Carà


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